Wednesday, May 10, 2006
51st motion - Getting Used By Music
Zappa-kun: Kay, for what I was trying to post yesterday...
I bought the new Tool album, 10,000 Days, Saturday night. Just opening the plastic of the cover and looking at it was awesome. It has a pair of stereoscopic lenses to view the album art at it's finest. It even has a disclaimer for the tards who try to use it for other things. If you fuck up your eyes, Tool, Volcano Records, and Sony BMG can't be held liable.
So don't try to stare into the sun with them and sue the band. Cuz I'll kick your ass.
I got around to listening to it Monday night at work. It was all I had expected from Tool. Much worth the wait between albums, as it was when Lateralus was released.
I stopped by the site...
Irae-chan: *gasp*
Zappa-kun: ... and read up on stuff, hoping to find an official video for Vicarious. Tool's videos are ART IN MOTION. Anywho... upon reading the latest newsletter...
Sadako-chan: *double gasp*
Zappa-kun: ...there's some hidden puzzle amongst the four indivitual pictures of the band members. Maybe I'll try to figure it out one day and be scared.
I took a bit to try... nuffin... not that I can figure out... but, I suppose one would have to be a much deeper Tool fan to grasp it.
I don't know when the official season starts, but I've always considered Summer when school was out. And I can't wait.
Not only do I MOVE this Summer (out of the manager's and closer to Seth), but most of my friends whom are in school, will get that much needed weight of school off thier shoulders for 2 months.
I don't say 3, cuz that thrid is spent stressing about getting back to school. Anyway, they ALL need that stress off. Everyone does.
And now I'd like to apologize to Rip. The comment I made on your LJ was before I relized whom you were talking about, so I was taking it quite lightly, and trying to get a laugh out of the situation using contradictions. That was completely the wrong instance to use my contradictive sence of humor, and I'm sorry.
I think we're done tonight. Sleep well all.

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