Saturday, May 13, 2006
54th motion - A-kon takes a trip to the well
Zappa-kun: In the midst of today's boredom I did a lot of rearranging and updating on here. I don't think the changes are all that aparent on my LJ, but the comment links are different.
I'm telling you, it's not good for me to play Katamari. I'm a dammed completion whore... but... it's SOOO FUNNN!!!
Honstly... I've got a lot of nothing left.
So... A-kon's being a bunch of prop whores.
Quoted with permission from Danzig
A-kon Protest
Yeah, you heard right
Cosplayers are SICK and TIRED of the way things, especially the prop policy, are handled at A-kon. At A-kon 17, we make out stand
More info can be found here
Things at A-kon have gotten completely ridiculous. We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore! Our voices WILL be heard!
After A-kon 17, we got into boycott mode. All of the cosplayers involved in this protest are invited to attend a FREE cosplay picnic we will be organizing on the same weekend as A-kon 18, appropriately named It's-not-A-kon Con. This will be our alternative, our continuing effort to let A-kon know that it's bullshit is no longer tolerable.
Protest at A-kon 17, Boycotting further A-kons. That's our cause.
We'll make a scene, we'll risk having our badges pulled, but WE WILL BE HEARD, GOD DAMNIT!
Zappa-kun: I'm pretty sure everyone on my LJ list crosses with Danzig's save for 3 people. But I crosspost, and the MyOtaku comminuty...
HAHA!!! I just found another place to spread the word!
(Leading Us Along)
First, I have to get Jounin Neji complete, and with what time left, I'll make a protable well to carry any non fake weapon posters. That, and Sadako needs a well anyway v'v
So... off to do more rollin' v'v

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