Tuesday, May 16, 2006
55th motion - Drunk
Zappa-kun: Yup, it's been a while since I posted. Not much going on anyway. Hmm... t'was Sunday I last said anything. I actually can't remember Saturday, save for getting home in time to finally catch Naruto agian. Why I didn't record it the last few weeks, I don't know. I do wanna conplain that Kin gets perpetually screwed over. Dosu gets spotlight, and doesn't entirely get his ass kicked till ...Gaara. Zaku gets his glory moments, and even FLASHBACK! Kin... controlled by Ino, hit by Zaku, controlled/bashed by Shikamaru, and sacrificed by Orochimaru. WHAT THAT CRAP?
And that's my rant for that topic.
Sadako-chan: Don't worry about it too much. Maybe, if Kim lets you, and Ed-chan has it ready, you and her (Ed) can cosplay Kin together. All weekend, you can be someone's double at Oni-con!
Zappa-kun: Strangely true and intruging. Tis up to Kim though.
(Leading Us Along) to Sunday... I talked to okaa-chan for a bit while bored off my ass at work. Pocky stopped by. I didn't even know he was in town. But we both agree, Deus's ergonomically correct keyboard makes any inexpirenced user feel retarded.
Irae-chan: I wanna see okaa-sama agian. She's so fun and pretty ^.^
Zappa-kun: I'll try to take you to the party. But I don't know if there will be anywhere safe for you.
Today... more of the same boredom consumed by Katamari. I forgot to go play D&D at my friend's store... but... we didn't play last week, cuz two people didn't show. I wonder if they NPC'ed me this time. That would suck... as they don't know my intent at all.
I have two things to say about work:
1-I somewhat apologize for this opinion, but I have an ill habit of assuming that when a "pretty" girl wearing revealing clothes pays only in ones... well... she's either a waitress or in another occupation that I have no interest in ever witnessing/paying for.
2-People need to quit bitching that "toasting makes the bread hard". NO FUCKING SHIT!!! THIS IS THE CONCEPT OF TOASTING. Toasting - v. - 1.) lightly browning a bread or bread related product; 2.)to bring to a state of toast.
I didn't look it up, but it's common fucking sence. If you don't want the toasting to make your bread hard, then don't fucking toast the sandwich.

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