Thursday, May 18, 2006
57th motion - I don't WANT to fight further
Zappa-kun: Hmm... interesting find on MyO. Aparently you put your playlist on shuffle, and for each question, you answer with the name of the song. Aparently LOL ensues:
1. How am I feeling today?:
Seether - Truth
2. Will I get far in life?:
Nobou Uematsu - J-E-N-O-V-A
3. How do my friends see me?:
Linkin Park - Pts. Of. Athrty
4. Where will I get married?:
DJ JamX - First Autumn
5. What is the story of my life?:
X Japan - Kurenai
6. What was High school Like?:
Chevelle - Vitimin R (Leading Us Along)
7. How can I get ahead in life?:
... this makes no sence with my music... I leave the rest blank to spare you the obscurity...
8. What is the best thing about me?:
9. How is today going to be?:
10. What is in store for me this weekend?:
11. What song describes my parents?:
12. To Describe my Grandparents?:
13. How is my life going?:
14. What song will they play at my funeral?:
15. How does the world see me?:
16. Will I have a happy life?:
17. What do my friends REALLY think of me?:
18. Do People secretly lust after me?:
19. How can I make my self happy?:
20. What should I do with my life?:
21. Will I ever Have children?:
22. What is some good advice for me?:
23. How will I be rememberd?:
24. What is my signature dance song?:
25. What do I think my current theme song is?:
26. What does everyone else think my theme song is?:
27. What types of Girls/boys do you like?:
So... post war and drama make Zappa something something when he starts trembling in fear...
I think I'm looking for the term "obcenely paranoid", or "excessively violent".
A great Light of Judgement was fired upon a particular thread. There was collateral damage, but... point made and apologized. I think next time this happens, said Light will strike people. I'd hate to have to do that, because that too can have collateral damage.
You know things have gotten really bad when the Leader of a group is nearly brought to tears and quitting.
So, hopefully all that shit is settled.
Sadako-chan: *patpat* It should be over now.
I've finally put down Katamari, and picked up Silent Hill 4... though I have the urge to play them in order, despite how the thrid annoyed me. It's fun posting and reading in Customers Suck... though it greatly distracts me from work.
I think there were more things to talk about... but... in watching some bizarre anime with psycho lolis... I've forgotten. Cute children should not carry about butcher knives, lest it be PH-chan.

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