Monday, May 22, 2006
60th motion - The Tired
Zappa-kun: This weekend was most excellent. By final decision Friday night, I decided to go to the San Japan picnic after work.
Sadako-chan: And I was loved by all.
I own beyond all other horror icons.
Zappa-kun: That you do dear. PH comes in a close second.
As well, I arrived by primary suprise, and promptly got glomped by Tala, Amy, then the family. I made a joke at Sadako's expense regarding the "ring toss". Sadako was NOT to be tossed.
Proz disagreed.
Then, in a wrath and flurry of teen and otaku angst, we bashed upon the flamboyant paper creature.
Irae-chan: You mean a pinata, right?
Zappa-kun: If you wanna suck all the confusion and fun out of it, yes.
Irae-chan: ^.^
Zappa-kun: Then, we, being the picnic attendees, tried to hold a Pirate vs. Ninja water balloon fight. Things fell apart, literally. The ninjas were given a faulty slingshot thingy to even the odds (as ninjas own pirates any day of the week) It lost both handles, but... I suppose if you wanna call a winner, ninjas win. We got the least amount of wet, as no one ever hit me with a balloon. So, leading us along, after more hanging out with the family, and putting Sadako in the car for a "nap", there was Pose Off. This one, hosted by Seth and Tori, rather than Danzig. Rocked. Then there was various announcements, of events later in the day, and in months to come. There's a pool party for the -1st anneversary of San Japan (pre anneversary, as it's a year TILL the convention). Details on that in the appropriate places (SJ boards, RaveNin boards, SJ's LJ)
Cuz I had no plans, I decided to join staff and Danzig at Denny's for dinner.
Now, this seems to be an annual act that Danzig likes to do. He takes me by the wrist, not literally of course, and says, "You're in this now.". Last year, the Rave Ninja Clan. Look where I am now with it v'v. This year, I'm on his cosplay staff at San Japan. Also, me, and vicariously the Rave Ninjas, are responsible for music for a couple events. I think that's all I'm allowed to go into. That's all I'm chosing to go into, if I have more liberties with announcing things. Point being, Danzig further drags me along the path to... greatness? Or at least some awesome expirences and stories.
Afterward, I pushed my poor land dragon along to karaoke. T'was my first time doing such a thing, and I had most excellent fun. Chevelle fandom was had. Danzig saw me have a fangasm v'v
I got a little lost on the way home, and in my thoughts. I managed my way home, but not without torturing my car. One particular thought got stuck in mind, and that's been expressed, so that's that.
I got home at 11:30, and promptly went to sleep. VERY unusual for me. Sadako was much passed out by then, and I think Irae found it odd that I walk in and go right to sleep. I think I slept wrong... somehow, as I woke up with a sore neck, and my arm numb. I can explain the numbness, but... my neck still hurts, and it's nearly 7am Monday.
Which leads us along to Sunday. An actual 8 hours of sleep and I was still dead tired for my 7 hours of work. I went home and slept till 4:30 before showering and going over to Deus's to roleplay in Austin with Bridgete and Heather. Deus showed me and Jenny a couple old DOS games. Namely Alone In The Dark, the aparent "grandfather of survival horror". *shrugs*
Sadako-chan: Looked pretty corny to me,
but he wasn't getting very far.
Irae-chan: Doesn't that defeat the purpose of showing how "awesome"
a game is supposed to be, if you're failing at it?
Zappa-kun: Most likely. Anywho, we ventured to Austin to roleplay. More awesomeness, only... Deus is being a littler over logical about leveling up. As opposed to assessing us expirence after any given battle, he's keeping track of it to himself, and saying "You're not masters of combat. You're barely getting used to it, since you're just normal people trapped in a nightmare." Okay, while we try to avoid combat where we can, we get PUT into it, and we've yet to run from any given fight. We manage rather well, for being level 1 and fighting things, common things, that can knock out any given character in one hit, from full health. With a lack of ability to heal ourselves efficiently, we're thrust into battle, with 75% health, if we're lucky. At least my character remembers his medication. Otherwise I'd be carving up enemies... hmm... well... with more precision. I'm prone to successfully slit throats.
Did you know that facing your fear can drive you into a frenzy?
Anywho, it's near 7 now, and I'M off to bed. Night kids... or day rather.

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