Wednesday, May 24, 2006
So Zappa is bored mindless. Cuz of work today, 0 progress could be made. The fabric section at Wally World aparently closes at 8 like Photography.
I kinda updated some stuff on my Cosplay.com. I have this feeling that Neji is going to be EASY, just time consuming... espeically by hand.
And the car situation isn't improving much.
I have an idea to add to my raving outfit. It requires 2 wrist braces, 2 shin guards and 2 more glowsticks (one white one blue).
These Mac vs. PC comercials annoy me. Just stop it. The only comercial that annoys me more is the John Lovitz/Subway comercials. Utter stupid bullshitohmyfuckinggodshutthefuckupandgetanewadvertisinggimick!!!
I hope I can get Family Values tickets with my next check without it being sold out. I hear that... grass seats are something correlant to the second stage. I'm really only there to see DEG... I think Jenny and Deus may go too. I feel sorry for them. They're probally going to let the raging crowd thrashing ruin the expirence. You're supposed to be there to hear a band live, NOT let something inevetable like the crowd's movement to the music ruin things.
I wouldn't, he'd never survive, or I'd simply be hated.

Pictures of family don't get resized.
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