Friday, May 26, 2006
Zappa-kun: I wish I had more to say than I have as of late. I'm posting every other day, just to have something to prattle on about.
I got most all my bills paid. All's left is my car registration. I have to copy my insurance before I ca nsend it off... or some odd like that. I have all the materials I need for Neji, I just need the time now. Last night, I chose downloading stuff at Deus's rather than go home and work on it.
Melty Blood Re-ACT is at 93% and it slowed down dramatically. ARG!!! Stupid fucking seeders... give me that last 7%!!!
Sadako-chan: It's not the end of the world Zappa-kun...
Zappa-kun: I'm allowed to angst about it, aren't I?
Sadako-chan: NO!
Zappa-kun: Aww...
Irae-chan: *hands Zappa-kun a plate*
Zappa-kun: AWW!! Not fucking cool!
And later on, after realizing that the network adaptor at work switched over to dial up, I was able to resume Melty Blood at a regular pace, and got it within 30 minutes. Now, all I have to do is figure the fucker out. Like how to change the buttons. Tommy, a translation patch perhaps? I'm sure it exists by now.

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