Sunday, May 28, 2006
Zappa-kun: Seth's party rocked. Much raving was had. I'm so-so with pop 'n lock, but I'd rather have some formalities with it. I've yet to speak with 1Up since asking him to make videos. There was awesomeness, I'm my condolences to any who wanted to, but could not attend.
Yugi... I need to talk to you.
As for the rest of my goings on in life. It's fucking boring. Occasionally I have a genious idea I wanna post
but end up forgetting. I recall one though.
Those who attended the cosplay at ShioKaze, saw the Malice Mizer thingy. I would like to see a group of J-Rock cosplayers, Dir en Grey to be precise, perform the band's part of Obscure (look up the vid on YouTube, if you haven't seen it before). Of course, we can do without Kyo's(ID) feign vomiting.
Ah well... tomorrow, Deus, Jenny and I are picking up Heather and Bridget, and towing along a co-worker of mine to roleplay. Odds are we'll be going to Spider House cafe wherabouts 7-8pm. If anyone up in Austin is interested in joining us still, lemme know first, so we can print you a character sheet.
I'm done... I post this in finale. I hope for replies:
Dear Zappa_Slave,
You have a nice______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me =________. If I saw you now I'd __________. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________.
(P.S. ______________.)
(If you don't grasp the concept, aparently you fill in the blanks wif your opinion.)
I'm hoping for replies.

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