Thursday, June 1, 2006
Zappa-kun: This is the time of year in which I hate having younger friends. Why can't high schools EVERYWHERE let out at the SAME TIME??!!?!?!?!?! Lily and Chels were out of school 2 weeks ago, Alex was out last Thrusday. Seth, Ashley, and Sethos are still in school as far as I know. And even my half-brother (as tangent as this is) is still in school.
Progress on Neji is go. I'm off work today, so I'll be able to get a lot done.
Maybe when I get paid, I'll FINALLY develop the pics from ShioKaze.
And I'll get Deus to get the server back on.
I crashed my compy taking screenshots of vampire Akiha. So I lost my huge rant that was going on Customers Suck. I'm over it, and LAZY, so it's lost for now. I think I'll do definately do vampire Akiha next year. Thus, putting the cosplay schedule for next year at 2.
Akon: Neji (genin), Neji (jounin), and Sadako
Onicon: Millia, Zappa, and Sadako
Hmm... Ikkicon is first next year... isn't it? Isn't it supposed to be really SMALL too? I think I'll do Ikkicon, ShioKaze, San Japan, and Onicon. Nothing more. And they're all nicely spaced, so I can definately have money to make costumes and spend freely.
WOW, go LJ for saving a draft of my Customer's Suck rant.
Can you make sence of my spurattic logic? Nothing was placed in any particular order.
Sadako-chan: Yay! Me!

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