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myOtaku.com: ZappaSlave

Monday, June 12, 2006

Akon... *shrugs*

Song= Silence

Con synopsis

Overall: Blah
Pros: Car didn't explode, updated anime
Cons: Driving

Overall: Awesome
Pros: Family time, Alex time, friend time, danced with Alex, free anime
Cons: Randomly ditched, EMO-rollercoaster

Overall: Less than awesome, more than blah
Pros: Family time, Alex time, friend time, buying stuff, sleeping on Alex's leg
Cons: Randomly ditched, emotional HELL, dance canceled

Overall: Little less than awesome
Pros: JAC's Lost cosplay skit, family time, alone time with Alex, friend time
Cons: Leaving, leaving Alex

Cosplay synopsis
Ness: 7 pictures
genin Neji: 0 pictures
jounin Neji: 1 picture
Sadako: 11-14 pictures

Raving Ninja Clan synopsis
No new members
3 people quit.

In short... con sucked, save for time with family, friends, and Alex.


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