Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Zappa-kun: It's felt like a week since I posted. Though, I believe it was Friday morning...
I'm feeling significantly better... though as always, I despise the thought of not having a significant other. Kris and I are in the same boat... except I've yet to give up hope... I'm much to young at heart/immature to do that.
Alas... it felt like... something was incomplete, or undone that day. I've shaken the feeling, but I wonder what caused it.
So... enough of the emo! I think Danzig most of all is fed up with his friend being all emo, the way I am. I blame the fact that I raised for my oversensitivity.
I did make mention that my PS2 now runs the import and burned games I've longed to play. More Namco X Capcom for me!
I joined the family's forum roleplay boards. I've been meaning to draw my character, rather than use a photo-chopped image of Riesz from Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 3 [if I recall])
Oh yeah... obligitory advertisement!
A great evil lurks within the limestone walls of the palace of Upper Egypt, but the Pharaoh cannot take care of it all by himself. Love and jealousy is a force to be reckon with while war brews slowly between dark and light forces...
... what side will you choose?

Going along with this idea... I regret to inform you that the persona/identity/voice known as Irae has departed.
In an act to aid me posting in character better, I introduce Verdandi.
Verdandi: *bows politely* Good day to you all.
Zappa-kun: Maybe my luck will turn around with one of the Norns on my side.
I'm not up to explaining what the Norns are...
Sadako-chan: Then I will.
Verdandi: Ah! You agian!
Sadako-chan: Hello, miss.
Verdandi: Please don't frighten me like that.
Sadako-chan: I can't promise that.
Anyway, the Norns are pretty much the Norse version of the goddesses of fate, not to be mistaken with that bitch FATE that torments Zappa so.
You might recognize the names used in an anime, Skuld (Norn of the future), Urd (Norn of the past) and Verdandi here (Norn of the present) The Norns of past, present, and future; spin, measure, and cut the string of life respectively.
Or this is what we remember, without doing any research whatsoever.
Zappa-kun: Thank you. Now back on point, some of you have your own opinions on forum roleplays, and I'm not trying to force you to go... I'm just helping out the family. I seem to be very efficient when it comes to advertising things.
Uhm... I have a feeling I meant to say something more, but I've procrastinated so much, that I forgot.
I'm alive, and relatively well, so that's all that matters right?
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