Monday, July 10, 2006
Zappa: Not too bad of a weekend. I did no cosplay progress on Saturday, but I did change my oil, despite the oppurtunity for me to get seriously hurt.
You see, when the landlords totally refuse to help, I might do something wrong, like set the jack. And if I don't check it first before working under my car, it can fall if the jack isn't right. Which is precisely what happened. I saw it wasn't set right, and as I let it down, the jack slipped, tipped over, and the car fell.
Aren't we glad I wasn't under it?
Sunday morning, I had some partially emo, partially deep stuff to post about chasing after things that I can't have... but Sadako insisted I finish my drawings before that.
So, I forgot to post it, and I've forgotten all the details.
I did manage to run around and gather things for my ninja stuff. All I need is another pair of pants, and I would like to have the gloves I'd use for my Zappa costume, but no one had them in stock. I'm gonna wear my ninja gear to the San Japan pre-anneversary chillage. Horray ninjas!!!
Back to getting my ninja stuff, as I went to Goth Topic to get a new mesh shirt, I saw a girl who looked remarkably like Setoek. My heart skipped and probally broke a couple mending stitches. I quickly distracted myself with my quest before it got any worse.
Out and about I went, and went to Deus's, who had me a copy of Gulty Gear XX Slash, which I FORGOT! He also found a site with a bunch of old (80's-90's) toy comercials and kids show intros. Much lol was had.
I have 2 new drawings to submit... so... I'll let you know when I get them up.
Sleep well kids.
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