Monday, July 17, 2006
Zappa: Yesterday was a nice break. I went to the San Japan pre-anneversary thingy.
I had my ninja stuff on, though I really meant to have my contacts in. No matter, semantics.
I was pretty suprised to see Setoek there. The fact that there's no awkwardness between us is good. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable just being around me, since at cons, that's bound to happen while hanging out with mom.
Back in the day, high school specifically, I'd totally blow off a girl, if we had to break up. Said girl ceased to exist to me. But now, I've been able to remain friends with Tala and Setoek. I'm not sure how things are between me and Wuffers, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.
So, leading us along to later that day... I have my new car.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mjollnir

Mjollnir: n. (me-ol-ner) - A legendary hammer weilded by Thor, the Norse god of thunder.
It even has a radio!
Pros: Runs great, radio, AC, handicap plates (till I need to get new ones)
Cons: No radio display (what station's it on?), doors don't lock, fuel guage is stuck on HELLA FULL (car off-7/8 tank, car on exceeds full), no stickers.
I know I still have those stickers from Alora I got a couple years back... *goes off to look for them*
Sadako: Well, it would seme like his karma is coming back in full flood. Now it'll either stay this way, or something terrible will happen soon. I hope for the latter, like him finding that special someone.
I've noticed he doesn't look far from his friends for this person. He's come close, but he's going to have to wander out if he's going to really find anyone. ...but that's so hard for him...
Zappa: What are you telling everyone?
Sadako: Nothing ||.^
Zappa: Oh...kay. I'm gonna miss the stickers on my car. Especially the fairy in the hood. I'm going to clean up the car a bit before I do anything with it. It has to go ASAP, so there's not time to offer it up for cash, I'll just offer it to someone I know who needs one, for relatively cheap. It'll be a temporary solution till they get a better car. I mean... it RUNS, it just needs... frequent replacing/cleaning of the ari filter and spark plugs... and taken somewhere to get an oil change. Dammed filter is stuck. And inspection... that's important too.
So was thinking about my journals, and realized that there's some serious segregation between LJ and MyO. My more mature, convention-related friends are on LJ, whereas the younger, family-oriented, and further away friends are on MyO. No complaints, just an observation
I'm done now... later kids
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