Monday, July 31, 2006
Zappa: I think I would post more... if stuff... would happen. You know...cuz life can only be SO boring before you break. And you can only ramble so much untill you get bored, or people get bored of listening.
I haf my ticked to Family Values, but it seems like I'm the only one going... meaning that I'll be the only one in my entrouge. Though it might be that FV will take a 75% suck factor. My landlord (dad) wants to go. I don't want his alcoholic ass ruining my fun by trying to make me 'have fun' his way. If he doesn't have a ticket, then I don't have to fuck with it... so... all the better for me... seriously. If he goes (and I'd have to be his ride) I'm losing him in a crowd really fucking quick.
I grow further concerned about the butterflies as of late. Found 3 in my car after work Sunday.

I found this image on /e/ and it was so adorable I HAD to make it a wallie. Clicking leads to full version.
Speaking of... I've noticed that I'm forced over to people's LJ to comment on some of them (Keri, Levi, and Tommy for sure). Thiers looks all pretty and stuff.. mine's all... blah... Could someone, make it look all nice and spiffy? With a Sadako theme?
Danzig: didn't you say that Kim could do something to this extent? I'll provide all my cute pics of Sadako for useage, if she, or anyone could.
While it's on my mind... I had this idea this morning... a nifty paragraph about Valkyrie Profile and cannon video game couples.
This revolved around Suo and Shiho... and the fact I really really wanna cosplay Suo.
So I inquire... what be your favorite cannon VG couple. Don't just mismatch two random hotties together. Like, actual couples, or people who could very well have something between them.

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