Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Sadako: I will provide your progress report for the day.
Since Saturday night:
-Fun guage
*-Saturday 100%
*-Sunday 75%
*-Monday 33%
*-Tuesday 5%
*-Original Design Millia cancelled for default color Millia
*-Nothing new
*-Samurai Warriors discarded from collection
*-Interest in PSO rising
*-Impatience for VP:Silmeria rising
-Living conditions
*-Chances for moving in with MarzGurl 95%
-*-Nothing set in stone, but chances are good
*-*-Moving date set around end of August - early September
*-Added select tracks from Dir en Grey's Withering To Death
*-Added select tracks from Stone Sour's Stone Sour
*-Added select tracks from Stone Sour's Come What(ever) May
*-Full series of Ray the Animation added
*-Ep 1-11 of Shingetsutan Tsukihime added.
-*-Ep 12 unviewable
Really, too much of the same thing every day makes one excessively lazy.
As you can see, Zappa isn't getting much of anything done.
We should probally get him packed ASAP, but the rut of laziness seems to take dominance no matter what plans he makes while at work.
We need a con, or a party, or something to break the norm. And with Zappa's younger friends heading back to school soon... things will get more boring.
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