Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Long time no real post.
today, 5 days till I move. I've made notable amount of damage to the contents of my room. Mostly getting things in more of one place as well as cleaning. I'm wondering if I'll even sleep Friday night. You know, excitement and all.
Saturday's party was nice. Though, I realized that A] the shirt I have is too short, as was the last once. I know how to fix that. Just need it long enough to be tucked in and b] the pants are ALL wrong... color, fit, and length. Length was my fault... once agian, I cut them too short... but I worked with elastic for the first time... so troublesome.
Mike and Jenny are mostly all packed, and I've got a couple days work ahead of me.
I found my old magezines. Having no need nor interst in them, I gave them over to my 'dad'. Judge me if you will but... I don't care.
I've been wanting to prepare things for my future BESM rp with Mike, Kaylyn, Andrew, et al.
I think I slept weird... my shoulder hurts in certian positions.
I think I'm done here for now.
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