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Birthday 1984-11-07 Gender
Male Member Since 2005-11-01 ZappaSlave
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Have I mentioned I despise getting up at 5am for work?
I have now. Seriously... I mean... I didn't have to count MUCH but the idea of getting up that early... so annoying.
There's an idea running though my head that I'm seriously. Of the 2 people I told about it... they truly feel that I should to a different direction with it. Unfortunately, of the two, neither went specifically in the same direction. Still positive, but in different manners/aspects.
Honestly though... the Rune of Punishment... atonement and forgiveness...
Not correlating to bad luck... though the concept... fails to correlate as well...
The Soul Eater ... feeding on the souls of loved ones... losing loved ones... breaking up... fits, though in a different aspect...
or Prosperity
*ponders* What would suit me more... of those two... cuz... at a base level of thinking (which is all I get this late/early) they're the same.
Probally not, if I take the time to analyze the difference, which is not now.
Night yo...