Thursday, September 7, 2006
Sadako: Sorry, no Zappa today, only Sadako!
This whole car situation is really too much stress on Zappa. He knows he needs to do something, people tell him he needs to do something, but it's in his nature to just take what happens, and adapt to whatever changes in his life it may force or remove.
I would do something, but I'm nothing but a manifistation of his fandom in order to keep him from a] going crazy from lonliness, and b] make him seem more interesting that he feels he is.
He appriceates the people who put up with this, and allow him to be this way... but he worries about the people who think he needs to grow up, or don't get it, or think it's just stupid.
Well... if you think it's stupid, then frankly, fuck you. I'm sure that you (those who find this stupid, if any) have your mannerisms that are half as amusing and twice as truly idiodic.
Now, we don't think that anyone feels this way, but you never know who will come strolling along and read, and say "Who's this kid? And why does he act like that Ring girl is his imaginary friend? What a fucking moron/loser."
But this in itself is unnecessary meta-thinking.
Leading us back to the events of the day. Another day of work at 5:30. Some preperations were made on the D20 campaign Zappa will be GM'ing this Sunday (and subsequent Sundays untill the end or people grow totally bored). He needs to plan the plot and dialouge itself a little more.
He finally made some progress on Millia, while I got some chat time in with Miss Wuffers and the evening AIM session. All the while, he rediscovered the awesomeness that is/was Sevendust.
Let's just see if anything noteworthy happens tomorrow.
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