Saturday, September 9, 2006
Ya see... all thoughout the day, I had something to day... now I don't.
I remember this morning being very musical. I woke up INSTANTLY singing the latest Bleach Intro (Tonight Tonight Tonight by the Beat Crusaders). On the way to work, I saw a guy behind me clapping his hand... probaly to gospel, and some dood rhyming to himself waiting for the bus.
Work yesterday made me want to quit and die.
I guess dieing is quitting. It just sucked miserably.
Today was kind of... meh.... nothing special on either end of the specturm... though my 'dad' is supposed to be confronting the towing company, with my car, showing him the damages.
I'm really fed up with this car scenario. Not a chapter in my life I enjoy. Just plz to give my car back in driving condition.
Listening to Sevendust's Angel's Son... I have another theory just behind the title alone. If Zappa = Angels son, then, Seth = angel.
(the song has depressing origins)
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