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myOtaku.com: ZappaSlave

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

HorrorClix, yo

Song= Jimmy - Tool

Sadako: Zappa played a new game called HorrorClix. It's relatively new, so there aren't many options for monsters and stuff... but he spent A LOT on having a variety of pawns.

He likes the Slasher type. They hit for lots of damage, and they get a LOT stronger right before death.

Too bad there's no pawn for me. I'd be a legendary character!

Zappa: Andrew and I were playing with Deus, and cuz of his poor dice rolls, and my superior strategy, he dropped out in anger. Of course, it was 2 turns later that I wiped Andrew off the board with my superior rapeyness of people with knives, scythes, and chainsaws.

Other than that... life is pretty ... slow... boring... it's becoming the same day-to-day boredom that I was getting at the 'parents' '
Andy will play teh HorrorClix game with me tomorrow. More people rapings. ...or Zombies rather.


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