Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Zappa: H'okay, so as far as the car thing went, it SHOULD (this being 90%) be drivable by Friday.
Monday morning, I sent okaa-chan a text message of "*huggles*" Around noonish, I get my manager calling and okaa-chan replying to my text at the same time. So, as I'm checking my cell, my co-worker says, "It's your mom." Given the situation, I reply... reluctant to refer to my manager as 'mom', "Which one?". It was a gewd laugh for me.
I got my hair dyed, so it's back to total black.
I've resloved to taking my half-brother to San Japan. I guess this makes my first comissioned cosplay too, although I'm not being paid for it. And he's not asking for it. It's a delayed birthday present.
I talked to Setoek... the conversation took a turn for the emotionally unsafe... so I cut it off with the "I have to go to bed."
Which I legitamately do, but talking about that would have ended 2 ways.
1] We're both depressed and on the brink of crying (if not already). Odds: 95%
2] We're back together. Odds: less than 5%
But... then what about that piece between the 95 and the < 5? Who the hell knows... strange shit happens to me.
And Deus and I saw Fearless, Jet Li's last movie. It was good.
I need to get the pictures from conventions past developed. They've sat there since ShioKaze... to bloody hell with my laziness... I gotta fix that soon...
To bed with us. Say goodnight Sada-chan.
Sadako: 'Night.
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