Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Diary of a Medium (page 13 aparently)
 | (I've decided to try something a little different. In-character writing. Cuz, for those in the know, one of Zappa's likes is keeping his diary.)
October 16th, 2006
It's certainly been a long time since I wrote anything here. In a way, it feels like I haven't been myself lately. I guess I'll reflect back on the day up untill this point.
-approximately 3am:
I'm not sure how to properly address it, but I was dreaming, but at the same time, I was aware of 'reality'. Somewhere between a dream and awake. I could tell that I should probally give in and open my eyes, but... I couldn't move, or wake. Then I just sat up. I couldn't tell if Deus was suprised by it or not, because he seemed rather indulged in a pretty game of paper-rock-scissors.
-approximately 7:30am:
I had to wake up for work. Taking a shower and getting all my things together took much longer than usual. I didn't wash my hair today, and I forgot to brush my teeth agian. I really need to break that bad habit.
I was late for work, thanks to traffic. Today wasn't going to be good at all. There was an error in the paper work that my manager look over this weekend. So, why did I notice it and she didn't?
I hate responsiblility.
-approximately 12pm:
Our field representative arrived for the monthy inspection. She shows up to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to be, following the proper procedures, making sure the proper advertisements and displays are up and proper. Of course, there are things wrong with the store that we have no controll over, but being the one in charge for the shift, I'm still the one that gets come down on because they're wrong. If I could replace and update the neon sign myself, I'd have done it by now, but that's for the higher-ups. I'm still being 'reprimanded' for it, so someone above me isn't doing thier job.
-approximately 1:30pm:
I literally tore the bandage off my pinky while removing some gloves. I was being forced... and I do mean FORCED, although this is regular practice under normal circumstances, to wash hands every time I went from the register (handling money) to the line (making sandwiches). As per the norm, getting a bandage wet, no matter how effective and effificent the bandage, will weaken the bond. So, after washing and washing, it tore off. It hurt, but it didn't bleed.
I decided to show my field rep. my injury to show her why I wasn't being consistent in washing my hand today. SHE seemed rather adamant that I needed to take it to get professionally treated.
Granted there is never a point in which the cut doesn't look horrible, it's actually not that bad, and healing naturally quite well. After it's been bandaged, it looks all puffy and swollen, as it's overly hydrated(?) And as I sit here looking at it as it scabs over, it looks equally horrible, but, that's just the nature of scabbing. I've never seen an injury scab over prettily.
-approximately 3pm:
I arrived home, and after checking up on others' journals and a few image sites, something told me I should take a walk. I messaged Kaylyn that I'd be going for a walk, as she was sleeping. Everything is blank between then and walking back in the door. It's not a lack of memory, it's just... like time slipped away from me. I got my laptop and walked back to where I am now, and began typing (you can see above when I begun typing.) Kaylyn was awake when I got in the door. I'm not sure if she said anything to me, cuz my headphones were blaring. She waved goodbye as I left with my laptop. I wonder if she thinks that I'm mad at her? DID I do something wrong?
I've never been over here untill today. I would guess it's some sort of restraunt, but right now, it's closed. There a couple cars parked at the back, which is where I've decided to sit, in the case I'm not welcome.
Well, a friendly gentleman just walked by and told me the place is open. I still don't know what the place is, and I don't know why he didn't tell me. He seems to be looking the place over. I wonder what for.
I think I should head back soon. I've only got 3 afternoons/evenings to work on my clothing. I hope people like the work I've put into them. It took me the entire afternoon just to finish one of the larger pieces. In retrospect, the way I did it was much more complicated than it needed to be. And there was a lot of backtracking and repairing, as well as the distractions of friends and roomates. It'll be much easier today. If I get started right away, I could possibly finish the entire outfit today, leaving the next two days to get things pack and prepared. I know I still have some shopping to do.
I'm heading home, people from this building keep driving by and it's making me really nervous.
I've recieved 2 messages from Ukyou. She wants me online... and as I was about to get more soda.
My scissors tried to cut a piece of my hand out. On top of that, I found another cut on my left index finger. How'd that get there?
Ukyou... wow... just wow...
Kaylyn returned from work. Andrew's cell phone isn't working properly, and it kind of irritated her. We went out to eat.
Karma has decided to flood in my direction. Though some would call it FATE, I personally despise that wench, and I wish nothing to do with her. Karma is my friend, not FATE.
-12:13am (Officially Tuesday)
I believe it's time for bed. There were a few discra... okay, rather one large distraction that kept me from finishing anything tonight. I made progress, and I belive that today (or tomorrow depending on when you read this) I can finish a good deal at work. It's not really a lot of work, simply time consuming due to the thickness of the fabric. No matter, I should finish today, leaving Wednesday to pack, and purchase that which I'm lacking, primarily juice. And to the dreamscape I go. I hope to see her there.
~Zappa | |
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