Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Page 14-15
 | Page 14
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Woke up smiling. Said 'good morning' to Ukyou and left for work.
-approximately 9:30am
Called manager for help. I said I couldn't understnad her, and she bitched that she was "supposed to be sleeping".
I found myself several minutes later, with my headphones on, and standing with knife in hand. The chip boxes has been violently slashed. No bags of chips were harmed however.
Got a message from Ukyou. She's going into the hospital. Hope everything's okay.
I feel so very tired for some reason. But I can't afford to rest.
juice,shirt, fabric roses, headphones
I'm heading home. I should stop by Wally World and get things. Deus, Andrew, and Kaylyn don't seem anywhere close to done with thier clothing. Not sure if I should help after I'm done, or squander my time till Onicon. I need to get my suitcase from Kaylyn
I should finish my clothes today, unless a certian someone calls me online...
I tried to leave work without the keys. She's a distratcion even when she's not around.
I think I'm going crazy v'v
Other drivers make me stabby.
I'm certian I can finish today. Andrew is making me hungry, and there's nowhere withing walking distance to get a quick bite. We have ramen as I recall, bu that's inconvient for my 'workstation'
(turns to page 15)
Theres a footnote in Japanese at the 9:30 entry (due to inability, it is not transcripted into text, but it does appear in writing). It's been done in pen. Did Andrew or Kaylyn do it? Don't know how, as no one was home while I was napping. I'd ask what it says, but that means showing them my diary.
-12:50am (Wednesday)
I've finished my clothes. All that remains is to double check everything, arrange some wiring for Sword, shave and pack. I think I'll just play Dead Rising untill I'm asked for help.
As I had planned, I waited untill after Wuffers's birthday to say anything pertaining to celebrating mine at the convention. I really don't expect anything physical, but I do ask, (and I will go and correct this in the necessary places) that we do NOT sing the traditional birthday thing. If there is going to be singing, I would like someone to have memorized Birthday Deathday by Deathklok. It's less embarassing for me, as the traditional version has gotten quite old. Maybe I have matured a little bit.
Off to shower before a nap and work at the traditional Wednesday schedule. Tomorrow will be much less stressful after work.
~Zappa | |
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