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myOtaku.com: ZappaSlave

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Nope, no HTML stuff today.

I thank everyone for the birthday wishes and such. v'v

But, my birthday, as usual, comes with its fair share of bad luck. My date with Ukyou has been postponed. She won't be able to get into Austin untill late Friday afternoon, so, that puts things off untill my next day off (next Wednesday or Friday... my schedule won't be changing unless I really need it to, for another day off)

In addition, the AC adaptor for my lappy died. There was a small spark, a swift flame, and burnd cord. Hopefully, I can get a replacement today, and it won't cost me a ridiculus amount.
I'VE HEARD that Dell is doing recalls on computers because of this, but that's way to friggin overcomplicated, and I don't want to deal with it... no reason to. But, untill I get it replaced, don't expect to hear from me too much... I don't have my own computer for the time being.

Later kids.

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