Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I tear my heart open...
Zappa: Boredom, round two!
So, uhm... yeah... not a dammed thing happening in my life... so much fun going on! Or rather NOT going on, or I'm missing out on.
I guess Monday proved rather... cute. As I restocked the bottle drinks at work, this random little girl asks me "Whats your name?" being rather friendly and the like. So I answer "Chris, but my friends call me Zappa."
"Why do they call you that?"
"Cuz I can bend over backwards really far."
"Can I see?"
"Only if you promise not to copy me, cuz you might get hurt." And so, I bend. She's rather impressed, and my new manager... rather confused and suprised.
Sadako: That'll learn him, won't it?
Zappa: Learn him what?
Sadako: That you're awesome.
Zappa: That was previously determined by people that he has no say-so agianst. Anywhos... I'm here now, playing FF12... and, I'm not gonna say anything that's spoiler-eqsue, but I have my reason for liking the game. Customizing.
First chance I got, I gots me a stabby impliment (dagger). I can have and do whatever, as Kris once said. That's all I'm saying about it, cuz I like games where I can customize what I can do/be like Disgaea and Phantom Dust, and PSU, and... cool stuff like that!
Nontheless, I'm still bored overall.
I'm a bit worried that Lorelei hasn't called me about the rescheduling. I was really hoping for today, but it seems not... Friday then... But I'm rather impatient about this, as I already had to wait another 5 days since the former date... 8 days since I was told we'd have to reschedule.
I'm lonely.
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