Monday, December 4, 2006
So I finally quit at Subway. After being written up for a whole bunch of bullshit from the weekend, forced to stay 3.5 hours LATE (putting Deus's job at risk), and seeing my new schedule (10-7 Wed, 12-7 Sat and 10-7 Tue [since I use Deus's car, I can't work past 4]) , I got fed up all at once. Almost 6 years, and I wasn't even close to making 8 dollars an hour. Andy is starting at Central Market soon, and he's STARTS at 8 dollars. I just wasn't going to take it anymore. I quit mid-shift too. Rag on me if you will, but it's done, and I don't regret it. I have to go to the office and get my last check in 2 weeks. I expect Connie will call sometime between now and Wednesday to bitch/whine about it.
Maybe now I can at least the the tires on my car replaced. There's a restraunt nearby that's hiring... maybe I can get in there. It's walking distance, so I can work whenever. Maybe Deus's Tetco too. I got paid today, so that's gotta last a while. Depending on how cheap I can get fabric, maybe I can still get my costumes done for Ikki... though, Tir will be my ONLY cosplay if I can't afford wigs. I paid rent already, so MAYBE I'll splurge on that ONE wig for Akiha (since it'll double for another Melty Blood character.) We'll see how things go.. I really hope I don't get too comfortable with not working to the point that I get too lazy to go find a job. ...*sigh* All in due time.

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