Friday, December 15, 2006
Sadako: Long time no see Zappa. What's up?
Zappa: Nothing really. I SHOULD be doing more, but mostly nothing.
Sadako: Job hunting not going well?
Zappa: Actually, it's just started going. I'm lazy on my own. I... don't seem to get much done unless someone tells me to, and I'd rather not be a dissapointment, so in the last 2 days I applied at 7 places. That's 9 applications in que including the two from last week that I did. I hope for something soon. I'm particularly hoping for Hobby Lobby.
Sadako: Why?
Zappa: Easy access to cosplay stuffs v'v. I got all the fabric components for 2 costumes for just over 13$. I'm actually going to TRY to make the top for Millia from scratch. That'll save that white shirt for Tir.
Anywho... I've noticed that I'm mosty not using my MyOtaku much, so I'm not using that as my primary... meaning I probally won't check it as often as I do my LJ. Kinda looks like all but 3-4 of my friends on there even post anymore.
Anywhoo, I'd been meaning to show this for a while, which is why the cut, our Xmas Tree, full with...

I made that wing myself, so SHUTTAP!
I'll be next to my compy for a while, working on cosplay.

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