Thursday, December 21, 2006
Well, I've pretty much got a job at a Tetco close to home. We're only waiting on what SubWay says about me before the job is mine. Nearly 6 years with them, they better not say anything bad. I got in trouble MAYBE once every 6 months.
Speaking of Subway, I got my last check from them. I have about 70$ that DOESN'T have to go to rent. I might be able to get the roomates something, but it won't be much. I know what I wanna do, but I have to go deposit my check first, which, I haven't had to do something like that in a while. I should be okay.
I've been gradually uploading my stuff to my Deviant Art. http://zappaslave.deviantart.com
Thar's your link if anyone's interested. Tuesday was cool there. I uploaded my Zappa cosplay (the pic Danzig took) and it got favorited not even 2 mintues later by some random girl, then a 'group' called Group-photos, which is cosplay only aparently. Cool nontheless.
So, I sit here... no ride, and hungry. I think I'm gonna scrounge up some food, play a LITTLE WoW, then cosplay. I have the basic for Millia's top finished. Gotta finish sewing on the collar, then the trim/borders.
Oh, I talked to 2 people who I hadn't talk to in forever. One of which from high school, who tracked me down on MySpace. Rockin!

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