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My own little world....
Member Since
student/ philosopher/ washer of dishes
Real Name
Ray/ Zaurak the Destroyer, Deity of Doom, Destruction, and Bunnies.
I'm pretty good in academics, a really nerdy type.
Anime Fan Since
Not sure... '99?
Favorite Anime
In descending order: 1. Gundam Wing 2.Full Metal Alchemist 3. DNAngel 4.Inyuasha 5.Cardcaptor Sakura 6.DBZ 7.Gundam Seed 8.Rurouni Kenshin 9.Chobits 10.Yu Yu Hakusho
To travel the world and conquer the galaxy!! Mwahahahaha.
reading, thinking, writing, drawing
Breathing, I've been doing it for 14 years now!
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
it doesn't really fit. I'm not really a tortured soul or anything.
 A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test |
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
NEVER BE NORMAL!! very cool.
 B: size="2">You take the Road Less Traveled. Who
wants to go where everyone else has already gone anyway? You look for the hidden
paths, ones most don't see and don't care to venture down. You go boldly and
stand proud discontent with what's been put in front of you, determined to find
a way perfect for you even no one else will take it with you. You live as you
want and not for others, but be careful not become selfish. Others may need you
and you should be there for them, especially the ones close to you. You tend to
be the leader in most situations and people listen and trust you not lead them
astray. Your firm in your opinions and beliefs and unwilling to change yourself
to suit other people. By the same token, you can be stubborn to a fault, change
isn't always a bad thing you know. Everyone changes and grows, you shouldn't try
to stay exactly the same or you could be left behind. Then again, you may change
frequently. Some people change to fit in, you my little non-conformist, may
change to be set apart. It's great to be different, but it's also just as great
to have things in common with people, even if those people are in that "crowd"
you seem to have a vendetta against. Don't try to be different, just be who you
are, whoever that is and you'll be unique all on your own. So make some time for
people, let yourself blend into the crowd every once in awhile, you may just
learn something about them and yourself you never knew before.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
Very cool
 G: Your Beauty lies
in Individuality. Different, amazing, and all your own. You like be set apart
from all others and most love that you do. You are solitary at times, but for
the most part, there is no greater compliment to you than someone telling you
that you are different. You're most likely a bit of a fighter and you hate it
when anyone attempts to change who you are. You wear what you want, look how you
want and don't let anyone tell you what do to. You can be a little immature at
times and have trouble dealing with authority and asking others for help. You
like to do things yourself and are independent almost to a fault. But, people
still find your individuality amazing and the fact that no matter what happens
or what anyone else anyone thinks about it, you will not change who you are.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Fire Animal: White Tiger Color: Bold Colors, Odd
Colors Song: Just They Way I Am by Angel Expression: Smirk
Bloodstone Mythological Creature: Phoenix, Dragon Planet: Pluto
Hair Color: Unnatural Colors Eye Color:
"You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
 You are a Lost wanderer. You are just walking around to try and find not only your place in the world, but the place where you belong.
What Kind of Wanderer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/14/04:
Result Posted on 12/08/04:
Take the quiz: "What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)" Wind DragonYou rule along side the lightning dragon, you co-exist and make a destiny bond. while the lightning dragon manifests the storm you push the power force of the winds to help drive the power into the storm. |
Result Posted on 12/08/04:
Result Posted on 11/18/04:
 The Griffin:
The Griffin stands for Freedom. You have the kind of soul that can't be brought down to retraints, and will always escape to find a happier place.
Strengths: Always energetic and looking for some fun, the Griffin seeks to live an exciting life. Sometimes you just want to fly away from the world itself to seek something more exhilerating to endure and experience. Often friendly, the Griffin is usually the one who is the center of attention, always looking to give a good laugh and help others.
Flip Side: When love calls to the heart of this freedom seeking bird, sometimes its hard to pin it down. You don't like being caged, whether it be a relationship or inside your own house, it can merely drive you insane! The Griffin is also known to become carried away, and can also turn sour to other people on bad days.
Congratulations! You have a Griffin inside!
What's Your Inner Beast? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/18/04:
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