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myOtaku.com: Zefie

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

   Today was soooo fun!!!

Today was my last day of school until the 5th!!
We had so much fun!

First, I woke up, and got ready for school, like I usually do. But then, my dad brought me to Shop N' Save to get something to share with my classmates. I decided on cookie cake. ^_^

Then, I got to school at 7:55! I was really glad that I didn't need anything from my locker!
So then I set the cake on the able with all the other food (or, junkfood, to be more precise.)

Then, I got in my seat, and looked around to see what was happening. (I thought, "Where's my camera when I need it?") Then, I talked to Alex (one of my friends) and he said that he had a Christmas card for me. ^_^ He said that it ws really cool, though he forgot to get it out of his locker. ^_^' Thats ok, though! And Patrice said she had one for me, too. She gave it to me; it was very nice! And Sickle Moon gave me a present from her. It was my birthstone, and it was to put on the chain of a necklace. It was pink, and my birthstone color is red; I excepted it anyway, though, because I appreciated the generousity.

Mr. Benett told us all to sit down so that he could read the daily devotion. He read it...blah blah... Miss Calvin came in to ask for our worksheets for Grammar. Then, we did this maze thingy,I wasn't very good at it. ^_^;;
Kikyo15 finished it, though! (Curse her!) So I never finished it, and I saw that William wrote 'BOOM' on Sahra's paper, because she gave up. XD So did me and Alex!
Almost no one got it. :/

Sometime while we were dong this, Miss Calvin gave us the bead thingies. Each bead stood for something for God.
But Alex was like, "Black is for darkness, Red is for fire, blue is for water, white is for the Angel of Death, green is for forest, and yellow is for lightning! Haha!!"
We also got pencils! Yay! I said, "Otoshi-dama arigatou!" every time I got something.

Then we played Bingo! I got a bingo thingy once, but Mr. Benett wouldn't call on me when I rose my hand to tell him! >:o
So I didn't get a peanut butter cup. TT_TT It doesn't really matter, though: I was playing bowling on my phone the whole time, as well as playing Bingo with the rest of the class. XD

Anyway, we eventually stopped playing that and played other things with other people. Kikyo15 played dominoes, Sikle Moon, Tessa, and Alex played Go Fish. I enjoyed talking and watching them play cards, it was fun.

Then, it was time to did in to the junkfood! Yay! :D Mr. Benett called us up first. I got chocolate covered pretzels, a penut butter cup, a cupcake, a piece of Sickle Moon's pie, BBQ flavored chips, and Hawaiian Punch! The pie was too sweet for me. S.M. (Sickle Moon), Kikyo, Sahra and Tessa had a pie eating contest. I watched and laughed at them. XD It was rather unpleasant, they ate like pigs! No napkins, no eating utensils..just their mouths! Alex laughed at them, too.
(Jordan wasn't there.)
Afterwards, their faces were really messy! Kikyo15 won. Tessa was the last to finish, it took a few minutes for her to finish. (She doesn't enjoy being messy.)
I put some of the food in a bag to take home. XD

After that, it was finally time for gift exchange! My person I drew in the Secret Santa drawing was Kevin. He'd been begging of a picture of sukasa from .hack//SIGN for a long time, since September! So that was easy, and below $5.00, as well! Yesterday, I got my dad to scan and print it on this special material stuff; it was really cool! So now, I still have the original. I framed, colored, and put the Secret Santa one in bubble wrap, then I put in in a box. On a piece of paper, I wrote:

"Merry Kurisumasu! ^_^

Enjoy your otoshi-dama from your Not So-Secret Santa!" then stuck it on the box of the gift.

Anyway, when Mr. Benett asked if all of the people participating in the gift exchange wrote the name of their person on the gift, everyone said, "Yes." I'm like, "...Uh, no." so then came up to the class Christmas tree and wrote, "To: Kevin" and walked away, saying, "You didn't see me." Mr. Benett laughed, as well as Richard and William.

When I got up to get my present, it was a bear! I'm like, "Oh,its just what I needed. XD" Then Richard said, "Look in the glove! I'm your Secret Santa!" So I did just that. It was $5.00! Yay! "Cool, now I can finally buy the next Nurse Witch Komugi DVD!"

Then, Alex asked what was in the other bag I had. I told him it was a gift I was going to give to someone, but I wasn't sure who, and that it was a monkey pillow. Then he said, "Gimme the monkey pillow, dammit! XD Like R.O.D. the T.V., gimme the monkey pillow or die!" and gthen we both went on and on about other versions of 'Gimme the Monkey Pillow or Die' until it was time to go home.

Then, I went to the gym and wrote down names. Marline came along and I asked her if she liked monkies. Then she said yes, and I told her why and wrote her name down, and Patrice's name down, and then, I crumbled all the names and threw them. I came up with Sickle Moon. Luckily, I caught her before while she was still walking to her car to give her her present. Also, I was lucky that I didn't miss my bus. ^_^;;

On the bus, Joshua asked for a piece of the cookie cake, so I gave a piece to everyone. I cut the cake with one of the new pencils I got, since it was clean, and there wasn't a knife in sight.

I gave one to Miss Perez, as well. Then I was home. Lucky me that I got my keys out of my bookbag before I left to go to school. It didn't really matter, though; Papa stayed home and was watching TV when I got here.

Thats it for now! I'm glad I got home at 11:30 today!

Ja ne, merry Kurisumasu if I'm not here! (But if I am, I'll just keep wishing people that.)

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