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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Under 1000
Wow I came in today to find that I was ranked in the 800s that is just sweet I'm glad so many ppl have stopped by my site as soon as I find out how my friend did it I will sweitch to another song. (This one has been on here for a while.) Probablly switch to the english version of "Brothers" from FMA vic can sing it's so fits with the story. Oh Vic is the voice actor for Ed Elric if you didn't know.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
MTAC was a blast I met so many cool people there it was awesome. Before I cover the events I would just like to anounce two things.
1. CHEWIE WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. I am a member of the miniskirt army, that's right I will follow Roy Mustang anywhere. lol
I got to meet so many cool ppl the cosplayers were exellent. I got to meet messa and I bought a Gaara bookmark from her. I was supposed to cosplay Gaara's jounin out fit but that wasn't gonna happen because of gaurd problems so I went as Gothic Gaara. Basically I wore my normal gothinc outfits and had the Gaara make up on, sadly Gothic Gaara is sleeping (and I think he stole my eyebrows). I got to meet Muh Sakura visit her page I had like 7 or 8 Sakuras glomp me and I had a yaoi pic with a Naruto pupet. :D fangirl service is my life. OMG I did a yaoi with a Spike Spigel that was so hilarious. So I have taken a girl away from both Sasuke and Naruto. Gaara is the man. I got to hang out with Greg (Goku from Saiyuki, Negi from Mahou Sensei Negima) his rave was awsome he is such a sick DJ and if he reads this cause he has my DA page Greg you are a DJ god!!!!!!! I also loved hanging out with Steve (Spike from Cowboy Bebop, Tom the Robot, Mugen from Shamploo, and Shishio from Kenshin) he was so awsome and such a great person wonderful to his fans. I want to go drinking with them again. Travis was so cool (Roy Mustang from FMA) he was my Colenol everytime I saw him I saluted him since I joined the miniskirt army. (resembul rangers just stop reading now.... no seriously, stop reading.............................................. :D jk). I also got to hang out with Vic (Ed Elric from FMA and Bui from Yu Yu Hakusho) and Caitlin (Winry from FMA and Triela from Gunslinger Girl) Well I got all those autographs and was showing the fansubbed One Piece on my portable dvd player in the artist gallery, also showed some hell girl, bleach, shakugan no shana, Genshiken, and the Sasu Naru fight from Naruto. There were soooooooo many ppl gathered for the Sasu Naru fight and you could tell when something awsome happened cause all the ppl who watch the dub were all saying "whoa!!!" I was an exellent time and I got to meet and hang out with a lot of great ppl. I have updated my friends list so check that out I will update my peeps list shortly. Also I forgot to mention that the 501st was there Chewie showed up and so did R2D2 as well as Anakin and a group of Stormtroopers so my weekend was excellent.
Also I should have pics from the con very soon so you have something to look forward to.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Selling stuff and getting ready
Well sorry about the abscence my comp is broke and it took me two weeks to quit crying about it I needed to get the fan fixed well they didn't fix it. Instead they broke my power supply. So no lap top for me. I'm just gonna get a desktop and add my harddrive to it. I came back to see I am in the 2000's now Hugs to all the ppl who stopped by. I am soo happy, thanks btw for the signitures in my guest book as well. Well must wander off I have to finish the gourd for my Gaara cosplay at MTAC this friday.
| You Are? by Osaku | |
| This is about you and me..err I mean you... | | | Name | Richard McMullen | | | Nickname(s) | Richie, Cute/sweeet/evilness | | | Age | 24 | | | Hair Color | sandy brown | | | Natural Hair Color (if different) | | | | Eye Color | Icy Blue | | | Height | 5'8" | | | Righty/Lefty | Righty | | | Innie/Outtie | Innie | | | Birthplace | Nashville | | | Sign | Capricorn or dog if you want chinese XD | | | Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See" | I can see | | | Birthmarks | Vamoire bite looking things on my throat | | | Song that Describes Your life | Here without you by 3 doors down | | | Relationships (aww)... | | | Are You In Love | Yup | | | Who Are Your Best Friends | Elliott, Sarah, Norton | | | Do you Intend/Want to Get Married | Yup | | | If So, Where | I'll let her choose | | | Do You Want a Family (kids!!!) | Yup | | | If So, How Many | 2 | | | If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matter | both | | | Aspirations (You go-getter you)... | | | What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kid | He-man | | | What Do You Want to Be Now | Anime voice actor | | | Where Do You Want to Live | Tokyo | | | Where Do You Want to Visit | Kyoto | | | Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Now | Sicily | | | What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunity | Nothing i like who I am | | | Favorites... | | | Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter) | Elliott's room | | | Vacation Spot | haven't had one in so long I can't remeber i guess asleep or watching anime | | | Shopping Location | Video stores that carry anime and Gothic clothes stores | | | Music Genre | Everything but country | | | Band | Marilyn Manson or Linkin Park | | | Color | Black | | | Flower | Carnation | | | Smell | Ribs and BBQ Sauce | | | Shampoo | Sauve | | | Ice Cream | Dublin Mudslide | | | Website | DA | | | Car | | | | Movie | Star Wars (all) | | | Actor | James Marsters | | | Actress | Luara Bailey | | | Holiday | Christmas | | | Soda | Mountain Dew | | | Book | Star Wars | | | Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good) | Fianl Fantasy 7 - x2 | | | Either/Or... | | | Responsibility/Simplicity/Both(?) | simplicity | | | Pop/Rock/Rap | all | | | Work/Play | PLAY | | | Car/Train/Plane | car/plane | | | Cat/Dog | both | | | Coke/Pepsi | pepsi | | | Color/B&W (photos) | either | | | Tomato/Chicken Noodle | chicken noodle | | | Noon/Midnight | minight | | | Hot/Cold | hot | | | Dawn/Dusk | dusk | | | Books/Movies | both | | | Did You or Do You... | | | Have and Siblings | yes | | | Cry Easily | nope | | | Think You are Smart | yeah | | | Act Your Age | never | | | Have Any Tattoos | chinese characters for honor and wisdom on my shoulders | | | Have Any Piercings | one left ear lobe | | | Have Any Pets | yup | | | Get Jealous | unfortunately | | | Ever Like Boy Bands | guilty | | | Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc. | yes | | | Take Criticism Well | sometimes | | | Have You Ever... | | | Gotten Drunk Before | of course | | | Smoked (cigarettes) | still do | | | Done Drugs (Any) | yes | | | Kissed a Member of the Opposite Sex | plenty of times | | | Kissed a Member of the Same Sex | once | | | Been on an Airplane | a few times | | | Been on First Class on an Airplane | yeah right | | | Skinny Dipped | yes | | | Had Sex | I don't even wanna try counting here | | | Take this Survgen survey! | | |

My pirate name is:
Iron William Flint
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from

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