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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

HAPPY! sad...HAPPY! sad...
well, im happy b/c its my birthday (whee!) and b/c last nite we FINALLY had the band concert thats been postponed twice already, so its really great. im sad b/c the debate we were supposed to have today (about whether or not they did the right thing about terri schiavo) got put off AGAIN and i spent all that time gathering research...rrr...but my birthday isnt actually going all that bad. for one thing we played some of my fave songs in band so that was good and a lot of people wished me happy birthday which was really sweet and my baby sister zelda (this site is named for her) gave me a really pretty keychain with black, blue, purple and silver beads on it which is neat cuz those r my fave colors. but, now i have a LOT of work to do, so i better go! im at school too so i have to be careful...when i get home ill visit peoples sites.

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Monday, April 11, 2005

i gotta go...
i really really have to do my hw but first i have to say this - zelda is in front of the tv, watching baby einstein, and she loves it so much she crawled over and pulled herself up so her nose is pressed against the tv, which she only does when theres a yankees game on. its SO cute. k thats it bye!

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about my new site...
k, so technically im supposed to be doing hw, but i saw my friend serenity on and i asked her for help w/my bg cuz i couldnt get the pic up. so after she told me, i had to go and redesign the whole site just because...well...i dunno actually. i just did. so tell me what u think and post or pm me w/any suggestions i dont wanna leave it the same for too long.

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

happy library week!
yes, its library week, which makes me happy b/c i luv reading (im currently going thru this flash artemis fowl obsession - those books r way below my level but they ROCK!) for those of u who couldnt tell im feeling better, tho truth be told my other stepsister (w/whom i just spent the weekend) is annoying too but most of what makes her annoying is that she thinks im a diety or something and always tries to imitate me, even tho im 13 and shes 5 so obviously our abilities rnt exactly equal. but its so sweet, in a sad sort of way, and its really hard to be mad at her when shes just trying to be like me. way to make me feel guilty, tho, cuz whenever i do something that requires balance and/or coordination she wants to also and she usually gets hurt. like i love punting soccer balls around the park and playing soccer but when she runs over shes so little sometimes i accidentally hurt her, or she trips over herself, or whatever. and i cant ever be irresponsible like climbing on top of stuff that i shouldnt be on in the park b/c shell go up there and she wont get why i can and she cant. the inevitable curse of younger siblings...damn! im doing it again, taking out m anger on otaku! im sry, so sry, but i cant exactly tell my stepmom all this.
so...on a happier front, zelda was THRILLED to c me when i got home. talk about ego booster. she had this big grin and kept laughing. so sweet. the nicest part is that shes not just being polite, u no that b/c shes 10 months old, and when ur a baby u either like someone or u dont u dont pretend to like em so they wont be offended. made me feel much better.
ok, im off to visit sites now.
o yeah - serenity, i promise, as soon as i switch browsers ill change the link thing (this browser wont let me change my profile but it has better anti-virus so i use it more)

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Friday, April 8, 2005

im sry....
i apologize for last nites outburst. my stepsister is one of those with the gift/curse to serioiusly piss me off. shes gone now, and ive calmed down a little. thank u to everyone who was so supportive of me today and esp to everyone who offered to...ahm...solve my problem permanently ~_*
annnnnnnnnnnyhowz...today was an ok day b/c i got away w/my life in ss class. c i didnt do the hw...and he was going around checking...but i guess he forgot to check mine b/c i got away w/it! and l8r he was yelling, literally yelling, at everyone who didnt do their hw. in my head i was screaming well if i ace ur quizzes then why do u care how i studied! but tobins not the kinda teacher u say that to...now if it were hembo that would be something else entirely but then he wouldnt do something like that.
i wont be able to post tomoro or sunday probably so everyone have a wonderful weekend!

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Thursday, April 7, 2005

im really sry
i want to apologize...im using all of u to release my anger...but i have to say this w/out causing a fight w/my stepdad...so...
let me demonstrate with the following dialogue, which commenced 10 minutes ago:
*zoe enters*
zoe: hola!
me: hi
zoe: hey, whats all this crap on this chair? u no i hate it when u do this!
me (to myself): thats my chair, i can put whatever i want there, that clean one there is urs
(out loud): sry zoe but that other one there is clean
*zoe throws everything at my other sister*
zoe: no its not they both have crap!
me: ....... (fuming angrily inside)
zoe: and whats that over there? *indicates folded-up playpen* i dont like having stuff stored in my area!
me: we needed somewhere to put it, and in case u hadnt noticed our apt. is already crammed w/stuff.
zoe: is my computer fixed yet?
me: dunno
*zoe stalks out to go ask her father*
*zoe comes stalking back in*
zoe: man i really want to have my computer back
me: ... (still fuming inside)
*zoe leaves*
*zoe comes back*
zoe: frickin hw its so stupid! (pause) hey is there a dictionary in here?
me: no there one in the dining room
zoe: can one of u look up rate on the internet? *starts playing w/my heap of desk crap*
me: uh im working on something now
zoe: come on, please? i really dont want to get back up
*grinds teeth (me)*
me: id like to finish this first
zoe: well fine then *stalks out again* *me: rolls eyes*
zoe: *comes back in* hey is fart a noun or an adjective?
me: well i guess its a noun also a verb
zoe: haha ur wrong its a noun!

and so on.
and trust me if it were anyone else i would just e a smarta55 or if she was acting up id kick her a55 but if i actually did tht her father would never believe that she provoked me so hed start yelling at me and my mom so while id like to b*tch rite back @ her its really not worth instigating a divorce or anything over it.
but, for whatever its worth, i do feel better now.

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im in school rite now...and im updating anyway...i stayed after to work on my cruddy italian project, and now im spitting in the faces of the evil forces of school administration...im on an "untasteful" site and theres nothing they can do about it...they dont even no about it! eat that, u evil mind-controlling slugs! bwahahaha!
nyway...whne i get home im gonna comment on as many posts as i can find, promise. just i have to go now else my mom will start worrying and when she worries she gets kinda annoyed. so. ttyl.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2005

warning: i am now shifting into lecture mode...
sry to burden my troubles on all of u guys, but i have been seriously pissed off lately and wanted to let the world know it. so heres my message:
1. no offense to suburbia, its really nice and all that, but its not ghetto. u can wear the fashions and talk in slang and slouch around but no one's fooled, ur still not ghetto. when u try, u dont look cool, u look stupid. so stop trying, b/c aside from looking stupid, its also really annoying.
2. this is for all jocks who think they are so awesome: UR NOT. when u make a diving catch or just barely slide onto a base, u dont look heroic, or athletic, or cool, or much of anything except laughable. quite often ur "plays" r bad for the team. and just b/c a girl doesnt like sports doesnt mean she needs protecting. i am not screaming in terror b/c a big mean birdie is coming at my head. i am rolling my eyes in disgust at ur obsessive ego. so dont try to protect me. i dont need it and i swear the next time some hormone-charged idiot gets in my way i will kick his a55.
3. WILL EVERYONE LEAVE GAYS ALONE! there is NOTHING WRONG with being gay. gay is genetic, uncontrolled and uncontrollable, and in fact it has been provved that NO ONE is completely heterosexual. so give the gays a rest, cuz ur a little gay urself! if they want to get married, adopt kids, and have a normal life as american citizens, then i c no reason for u or anyone to have a problem with that!
4. ATTENTION NARROW-MINDED PSYCHOPATHS: I AM A JEWISH, VEGETARIAN, PACIFYING, ENVIRONMENTALIST YANKEES FAN and if u have a problem with that u can just SHUT THE HELL UP cuz if u listen real hard, u can just about make out the noise of me NOT GIVING A FRIGGIN HOOT!!!
i do not want to hear that recycling is expensive.
i do not want to hear that bacon tastes good.
i do not want to hear that the yankees r only winning b/c steinbrenner is rich.
i do not want to hear that i should forget about my religion and go eat at mcdonalds
i dont want to hear any of it! i dont care! can i spell it out any clearer? I. DO. NOT. CARE!!!!! get it into ur thick, narrow-minded skulls that I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!
ok. thats it. im done now. thanx for listening, and sry if i blew out ur virtual ears...

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Monday, April 4, 2005

i no i no
this is my third post today but i wanted to say - everyone visit my friends' sites, esp. lotrfreak and mitzu49 they need gb signings!
k thats all back to my sinister plots...

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o yeah...
ive been meaning to tell the purim story for a while...purim was like 2 weeks ago bu whatever its better than the pesach story everyone nos that...i mean passover...whatever.
anyway. so theres this king, and his name is achashverosh, and its ok if u cant pronounce that. he liked parties, so one time he threw a 6-week-long party to show off how rich he was. everyone was invited, and everyone got drunk. so he was really drunk, with these people he wanted to impress, so he summoned his queen vashti. he told her to appear in her crown (whether she was to wear anything besides is disputed) and he could show off how beautiful his queen was. vashti, whos a lot like me, basically told him no way, im having my own party with my friends go find some other slut. the king was seriously pissed off by this and divorced and exiled vashti (who probably was better off without him anyway) and then had to find a new queen.
esther, who was actually hadassa but changed her name, was an orphan who lived with her cousin mordechai. the king, upon cing her beauty, fell in love with her and made her queen instead. esther was jewish but, as instructed by mordechai, didnt tell anyone that (hence the name change). mordechai, being the cousin of the queen, would sit at the gate. so positioned, he overheard a plot against the king's life and told the king, saving his life.
haman, the bad guy, got promoted by achashverosh to a level where everyone had to bow down to him. mordechai, being jewish, bowed to no one but g-d and this made haman very angry. he decided to kill the jews, and with a combination of bribery and flattery got the king's permission.
mordechai, upon reading the decree, went to esther and demanded that she do something to save her people. esther was afraid, because if the king had not summoned you then to go before him was to put your life on a very fine line. she fasted for three days, and all the jews of shushan (persia) fasted with her. then she went to c the king. he didnt mind, and told her that whatever she wantd, up to half the kingdom it could be hers. she said, I want you and haman to come to a banquet i will prepare tomoro. and so they did. and at the banquet the king asked once again: what is your wish, your request? even half the kingdom and it is yours. and she said, i want you and haman to come to another banquet i will prepare tomoro. and the king agreed.
haman went home feeling very good. he had been present at a banquet with none other than the king and queen, and tomoro he would attend another. he was very happy until he saw mordechai, who would not bow, and then he was angry. he complained to his wife, who advised that he hang mordechai first thing in the morning and then be free to attend the banquet in joy. so haman had a stake put up and went to c the king.
the king, meanwhile, had insomnia. so he ordered the most boring book ever, the book of records, be read to him. when he heard of mordechai's life-saving act, he asked, What has been done to honor this man. nothing, came the reply. just then haman came. and the king asked him, what should be done for a man who the king most wishes to honor?haman, thinking this man to be himself, described a ceremony in which the man was treated as king, publicly so. the king said, good! go and do this for mordechai. and haman, abandoning all plans of murder, did as instructed.
at the banquet, the king once again asked esther her wish, her request, and promised her half the kingdom should she so desire. and she said, my wish is my life; my request is my people. for there is an enemy threatening them... and the king asked, enraged, who dares? and she pointed at haman, and said, its haman, your most honored of courtiers. the king stalked off in a fury and had haman hanged, then published a decree declaring that jews had a right to kill any who followed haman's plan of destruction. and so they did, and were victorious, and so we celbrate the holiday by dressing up and being silly and getting drunk in good-old achashverosh style.
wow, thats a long story.

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