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myOtaku.com: zelda862

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

warning: i am now shifting into lecture mode...
sry to burden my troubles on all of u guys, but i have been seriously pissed off lately and wanted to let the world know it. so heres my message:
1. no offense to suburbia, its really nice and all that, but its not ghetto. u can wear the fashions and talk in slang and slouch around but no one's fooled, ur still not ghetto. when u try, u dont look cool, u look stupid. so stop trying, b/c aside from looking stupid, its also really annoying.
2. this is for all jocks who think they are so awesome: UR NOT. when u make a diving catch or just barely slide onto a base, u dont look heroic, or athletic, or cool, or much of anything except laughable. quite often ur "plays" r bad for the team. and just b/c a girl doesnt like sports doesnt mean she needs protecting. i am not screaming in terror b/c a big mean birdie is coming at my head. i am rolling my eyes in disgust at ur obsessive ego. so dont try to protect me. i dont need it and i swear the next time some hormone-charged idiot gets in my way i will kick his a55.
3. WILL EVERYONE LEAVE GAYS ALONE! there is NOTHING WRONG with being gay. gay is genetic, uncontrolled and uncontrollable, and in fact it has been provved that NO ONE is completely heterosexual. so give the gays a rest, cuz ur a little gay urself! if they want to get married, adopt kids, and have a normal life as american citizens, then i c no reason for u or anyone to have a problem with that!
4. ATTENTION NARROW-MINDED PSYCHOPATHS: I AM A JEWISH, VEGETARIAN, PACIFYING, ENVIRONMENTALIST YANKEES FAN and if u have a problem with that u can just SHUT THE HELL UP cuz if u listen real hard, u can just about make out the noise of me NOT GIVING A FRIGGIN HOOT!!!
i do not want to hear that recycling is expensive.
i do not want to hear that bacon tastes good.
i do not want to hear that the yankees r only winning b/c steinbrenner is rich.
i do not want to hear that i should forget about my religion and go eat at mcdonalds
i dont want to hear any of it! i dont care! can i spell it out any clearer? I. DO. NOT. CARE!!!!! get it into ur thick, narrow-minded skulls that I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!
ok. thats it. im done now. thanx for listening, and sry if i blew out ur virtual ears...

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