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myOtaku.com: zelda862

Thursday, April 7, 2005

im really sry
i want to apologize...im using all of u to release my anger...but i have to say this w/out causing a fight w/my stepdad...so...
let me demonstrate with the following dialogue, which commenced 10 minutes ago:
*zoe enters*
zoe: hola!
me: hi
zoe: hey, whats all this crap on this chair? u no i hate it when u do this!
me (to myself): thats my chair, i can put whatever i want there, that clean one there is urs
(out loud): sry zoe but that other one there is clean
*zoe throws everything at my other sister*
zoe: no its not they both have crap!
me: ....... (fuming angrily inside)
zoe: and whats that over there? *indicates folded-up playpen* i dont like having stuff stored in my area!
me: we needed somewhere to put it, and in case u hadnt noticed our apt. is already crammed w/stuff.
zoe: is my computer fixed yet?
me: dunno
*zoe stalks out to go ask her father*
*zoe comes stalking back in*
zoe: man i really want to have my computer back
me: ... (still fuming inside)
*zoe leaves*
*zoe comes back*
zoe: frickin hw its so stupid! (pause) hey is there a dictionary in here?
me: no there one in the dining room
zoe: can one of u look up rate on the internet? *starts playing w/my heap of desk crap*
me: uh im working on something now
zoe: come on, please? i really dont want to get back up
*grinds teeth (me)*
me: id like to finish this first
zoe: well fine then *stalks out again* *me: rolls eyes*
zoe: *comes back in* hey is fart a noun or an adjective?
me: well i guess its a noun also a verb
zoe: haha ur wrong its a noun!

and so on.
and trust me if it were anyone else i would just e a smarta55 or if she was acting up id kick her a55 but if i actually did tht her father would never believe that she provoked me so hed start yelling at me and my mom so while id like to b*tch rite back @ her its really not worth instigating a divorce or anything over it.
but, for whatever its worth, i do feel better now.

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