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myOtaku.com: zels hoseki

Monday, April 25, 2005

   being a bum
im being a bum, i stole this from Pinsandneedles:

You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions)

Created by niney123 and taken 10718 times on bzoink!

.:General Info:.
Gender:....0_o female
Height:uhm... 5'8?
Hair Color:Dark brown
Describe yourself in one word:Evilartist
Describe your personality in one word:...damn
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in:8 (if im lucky next year ill be in 9th!!)
What school do you go to:...im homeschooled ^__^
And where is that:Uhm, my home?
Do you get good grades:*rofl* your joking right!?
Favorite Subject:hm... L.A.
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference:Bi
Do you have a bf/gf:No but im in love with someone
If so,what is their name:>////> i really dont wish to say
How long have you been dating:uhm ^///^ never
Do you consider yourself in love with them:Yes very much so
If so,why:Because they are them
Have you had your first kiss:lol, yes weve kissed. (cheek mind you)
If so,when:a long time ago V_v
Do you have a crush:on her. yes
If so,what is their name:didnt we already go threw this?
Why do you like them:i love her
Do they know you:Yes though they often dont claim me (lol ^_^; )
Do they know that you like them:no v_V
How long have you known them:hm, i believe 3 years
Best Friend(s):Rachel (misty), Ashley (lynn), Zack. (if betty would stop betraying everyone, her to)
How long have you been friends:Rachel 3years, ashley uhm 8 years, zack 2 years and betty 2 years
Do you consider yourself a good friend:Somewhat, i could be better
How many friends do you think you have:uhm 3 or 4
Most popular:Betty and zack have this one tied
Most conceited:Betty?
Meanest:Me (at least i admit it)
Craziest:zack or betty
Youngest:me ^__^;
Most recent:Betty
Smartest:Zack (dude he got straight A's!! now what are those?)
Food:Raman XP
Person:*blush blush* uhm...
Show:not sure, so many
Song:currently 'the artist in the ambulence by: thrise'
Band/Singer:WAYYYYYY to many to name
Place in the world:With the person i love and somewhere windy (preferibly both)
Dream Vacation:Hm... Japan XP or Egypt...
Dream House:Not sure.
Dream Room:A room of anime and manga, with a computer a comfy big bed. heh
Location:Uhm, not sure. *shrug*
.:Last Time You:.
Watched T.V.:Uh... 4 hours ago
Went to the bathroom:a while ago
Ate:uh... 3 hours ago
Slept:a while ago (but i shall soon be returning to thy bed)
Listened to music:now
Used the phone:uhm... about... 5 hours ago
IMed someone/Got an IM:uh... 3 and a half hours ago
Went to school:hm, about... 4 hours ago
Played a game:Me and rachel were RPGing 3 and a half ago
Took a shower:uhm a little while ago
Hugged someone:hm, a few hours ago
Went on a date:0______o damn... a year ago? (pathetic ne?)
Wrote a letter:Uhm, not that long ago
Cried:about a year ago.
.:Last Person You:.
Laughed at:hm, Rachel
Cried over:Not sure >//>
IMed/Got an IM from:Rahcel
Talked to:Rachel
Spoke to on the phone:Ashley
Ate with:Rachel?
Spent time with:Rachel and mom
Missed:Rachel and Ashley
Heard:Mom...and cat
Played with:Cat
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country:MUAHAHAHA do not tell but i am fleeing the country! MUAHAHA ... ok never
Been out of state/province:many many many times
Done drugs:only legal ones and today
Done anything illegal:>_> <_< heh heh
Slapped someone:yup, rachel Ex (BOY did it feel good)
Cut yourself:yup
Played an instrument:long ago
Hurt someone for no reason:Not sure
Hurt someone:*sigh* yes...
Killed an insect/bug:yup... my cat was trying to eat it 0___o or torture it
Gotten stung by a bee:nope
Lied to your parents:heh heh heh yes
Stole Something:yes
Kissed Someone:yes 0//0
.:This Or That:.
Singing or Songwriting:either
Tennis Shoes or Sandals:shoes dude
Phone or Computer:Computer. XP
Biking or Skating:i love both (and havent done either in a LONG time)
Analog or Digital:uh?
Sprite or Sierra Mist:Hm, ski (many probably havent heard of it)
MTV or VH1:VH1 or MTV. whatevers on
R&B or Country:country XP WOOOO BRAD PAISLY!!!
Cingular or T-Mobile:uh, cingular? i dunno
Cats or Dogs:Either
AIM or Yahoo:Yahoo dude (wow i have a new favorite word)
Bzoink or Quizilla:Quizilla
.:Word Association:.
Good Charlotte:BILLY!!
Ravioli:Yum XP
President Bush:Anti
Chef:poofy hat
Calendar:in trash (i hardly ever use one, i rely on my memory... im often lost in days)
.:Right Now:
Watching:my computer screen
What is on your mousepad:not using one
What are you doing:filling this out and reading yaoi fan fics
What song are you listening to:blood clots and black holes by thrice
What's in your CD player:Uhm, a burn i made
Wearing:Warn blue jean a black west coast customs long shirt under a baggy blue SSU (security company, used to be my dads)
Time:3:41 A.M.
Month:its sitll april right? wait... i havent been to anime punch yet... yea still april
Day of the Month:213?
Day of the week:Uhm monday
What website are you on:other htan this? shinjitsu no shi (inuyasha yaoi and yuri site)
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad:>_> the wood on my copmuter desk is wearing down
What color is your keyboard:Black and grey
What is the phrase you use the most online:...
Did you like this survey:Not to bad
Are you sad that it's over:not really,
What are you gonna do after this survey is over:finish this fan fic, grab something to snack on, watch TV for a bit and go to sleep
Do you like pop-up ads:hell no. wiat people do? fools
How long have you been online:5 hours (i dont have a life)

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other than that, Misty came over yesterday and spent the night. Ash got a puppy and named it duke (yes after duke devlin) and Duke and germaine (hee hee after foamys germain, and shes a cat) aretn getting along, shes very jealous of duke ^__~ its kawaii ^__^
ok, im off, im tired and hungry XP
Ja ne

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