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myOtaku.com: zels hoseki

Monday, May 16, 2005


yay! pictures finally! this here is way back in november (along with all the pictures! ha ha this us being goofy!!! ^___^ we were left home alone and, the result? this. lol, ok the dude with the question mark was josh-kuns friend. i dont remember his name nor do i remember him that well (he was just there for the hell of it)

tis Misty and Pooka ^___^ (oh by the way for your info: betty dumped a whole bunch of water on her which is why shes wearing that XP )

ROFL! ok forgive me Misty... i couldnt help it *rofl* i caught her off guard and snapped this. shes gunna kill me for posting it. ^_^

here we are all outside in front of josh-kuns 1957 car. ^___^ we all loved that thing but shortly after it broke down and started falling apart 0_o
ha ha ^__^ that all the pics i have for now more tommarow ^___^ (oh by the way that was at our old house our new house is a lot cleaner, but we had 5 teenagers home alone. duh its messy)

anyways, lol. Hm, i havent really done much as of lately. my mom has an interview with hyatt tommarow (a hotel) so i wish her the best of luck! ha ha ^__^
hm, tommarow we shall be going shopping for manga!!!! yay ^^ oh we also got raman and pocky today. duuude they have a new box for teh strawberry pocky!!!
ha ha so i am happy ^___^
im in a rally giddy mood right now... dont know why. *shrug*
oh yes. we also visited donna today *shiver* agh i hate that woman (oh for you that dont know donna is ricks mother)
Goddess do i hate her. But oh well. for the most part it was alright.
XP i scared her with my new anime insider which had women in skimpy clothes (this woman is 50 something years old and is afraid to say the word sex 0_o ) ha ha she got freaked out but didnt say any ting XD i love doing that.
hee hee. oh and for my birthday i might get to go down to virginia with my grandpa and donna (see i dont claim her) ^^ (god... over 8 hours of donna *twitch* )
oh and dont think im being cruel over half my family dosent like her, im the only one (as far as i know) that hates her. Its hard being evil. but evils what i be ^^
lol anyways. I do believe zack-kun got his temps ^__^
ok if you come to ohio... well just dont. STAY OFF THE STREETS EVERYONE!
lol XP hes actually not to bad. ive ridden with him once.
Q.O.T.D: .... ok give me something to work with people. lol that means ask me questions. i love hearing you guys rack your brains for questions ^_____^
Ja ne for now all ^^

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