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Member Since
Sophomore in HS
Real Name
Zephyr Minamino
Nothing really...
Anime Fan Since
Since forever...
Favorite Anime
Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, Full Moon, Fruits Basket, .hack//sign.
To attempt and finish my stories that are wasting away on
Sleeping, Reading, Drawing, RPG's, Games, Writing
Ignoring all other people around me.
| Zephyr Minamino
Konnichiwa, you've reached this little space of wasted air I call my little dwelling. I'm not here at the moment so you'll have to come back later. I waste my life away playing RPG's and living on Neopets... >>
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I am almost 16!! I have 2 hours and 34 minutes until I turn 16! w00t! We have a raccoon outside out house. It's cool! And it's cute!
My sis and I are gonna probably stay up all night and watch Eurotrip and Meet the Fockers. go us. I also got a treefrog! it's cute too. My foot hurts like hell. I stepped on a damn no-see-um and i'm allergic to insect stings so the bottem of my foot has swelled. Owwie. And i'm also listening to either Mr. Brightside or the Vegnagun themes from FFX-2. it's uber cool. well, gonna go watch the movies. Ja.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Yay... 15 days until my birthday! ^^ I can't wait. I am super bored cause I have nothing better to do than play Final Fantasy X-2. I saw this really cool trailer/news report on E3 which was about Squareenix's new projects and such. There was stuff on Dirge of Cerberus, Dragon Warrior something another VIII, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy XII, and something else I can't think of... >>
OMG! FFXII looks awesome! I love how it all turned out. I own Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, beaten it too, and it seems sorta like that but it isn't. The land is called Ivalice, which is the country in the GBA game, and there are the Nu Mou, Viera, Human, Bangaa, and Moogle peoples in it. I saw the moogles and they are adorable! They look just like the ones in FFTA!! ^^
I also have Catch You Catch Me by Gumi stuck in my head... the theme song for CCS. It's too cute!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
OMG I'm a Junior!!
School is finally out! Yatta! I am officially a Junior in highschool! Go me! But I didn't go to school today. I was at my mom's work with her. I was a rebellious slave. >< But I plan to kick back and relax this summer for the most part. I am going to Nebraska next friday to visit old friends. Then I'm going to Florida for two weeks. >< And there's only 20 days until my birthday! Yes!
The only thing that would make my life perfect is if my effing Legend of Dragoon game would start working properly. I am beginning to despise fighting Lenus and Regole over and over again because my game doesn't want to load the aftermath after I gain my buttload of experience points. >> I hate black screens now. I think I may have to get my PS2 cleaned... that may be the problem.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
W00t! I have three days of school left! Everyone else has three and a half. I'm not going on thursday because all it is a "Passing the Torch" Ceremony. We just move to another set of bleachers saying we're Juniors. The only time I'm going to that is when I am moving to be a Senior. Yes! I will be an upperclassmen! Finally! We've been waiting for this to come. And I'll be able to drive! 26 days until my birthday! 16 years old!
But you know what sucks... Tuesday and Wedensday are finals for us. I hate it with a burning passion of hatred. Cause I think my head is gonna asplode due to all the thinking. Well, ja. I'm off to take a shower and play more Legend of Dragoon. One of the greatest games ever made!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Hobo Midget Bum and Hardcore Gamer
This is now by new name... Hobo because I beg for stuff from my friends. Midget is because I'm vertically challanged... that's what I say anyway. I'm not short short but I'm not tall. I'm 5 something. Everybody else is taller than me. >> Bum because I bum off of people. And hardcore gamer because I am a hardcore gamer! w00t!!
I finally uploaded my stories!! Yin Yang Souls is updated with chapter 9. I'm gonna be working on Our Eyes for a bit now. It's only gonna be like nine chapters long though and I'll probably revise the first chapter anyway.
Today I spent my day recording a movie with three other guys for a language art project. Anybody read Of Mice and Men? That's the movie we did. I was the tart... i was strangled and molested by a stuffed bunny. It was stupid but we did a good job on the movie. We then went back to my house to try and put the stuff on dvd's and i introduced them to my happy place called my room. It's messy as hell and i like it that way. ^^ Especially my gaming area. It includes my bed and entertainment center. I have some of the oldest systems ever made. Super Nintendo, Sega, Nintendo 64, PS, and a PS2 all somewhere around there... I feel specials.
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