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myOtaku.com: Zephyr Minamino

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

I just got back from detention... to sum it all up in two words: IT SUCKED!!! but it was a bit funny when this one kid got kicked out.. that was fun to watch. but sg. elliot is evil i tell you!!! O_O anywho... i'm on a complete sugar high because i ate a bag of shocktarts and two butterfinger crisps. plus three doughnuts. butterfinger crisps are like the holiest candy ever!!! and doughnuts are extremely good. and insanely nutritious part of a balanced breakfast!!! tomorrow we have a pep rally for homecoming week. and a dance is saturday.. lovely eh. and i got lots of hugs today. i love hugs...
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Sunday, September 19, 2004

   Back from Sikeston
Niyao!! 'Ello 'ello! ^_^ I just got back from Sikeston MO for a mission trip. It was fun... although i miss Lanberts: Home of the Throwed Rolls and HOT waiters... Duuuuuuude!! that place had hot waiters!! and they really did throw their rolls! it was funny, they'd throw them halfway across the room and they'd break in someones face. ^_^ total hilariousness. ^_^ Yaaaaaaaay!
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

   Welcome to myself!
::peers at title:: Well... that makes me sound conceited and self-absorbed... oh well. I'm like that anyways. But anywho, I saw many other ppl's having a myOtaku thingie so i said, I want one too!! And viola!! I have one now! You get to hear my pathetic musings and complaints about everything... my damn scanner, my retarded school life, and a webcam that went gay on me. I write stories and eventually will get a linkie up but that'll happen when i get the scanner up and that'll be a long time from now probably. ^_^ Then I can post my piccies!! YAYNESS!!! But until then... I've got to get to bed cause it's like 11:45 PM and i've been falling asleep in classes because of my lack of smartness and attention spans so... yah... I totally depend on coffee and caffine about now. Ja Ne!!!
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