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myOtaku.com: Zephyr Minamino

Thursday, May 19, 2005

OMG I'm a Junior!!
School is finally out! Yatta! I am officially a Junior in highschool! Go me! But I didn't go to school today. I was at my mom's work with her. I was a rebellious slave. >< But I plan to kick back and relax this summer for the most part. I am going to Nebraska next friday to visit old friends. Then I'm going to Florida for two weeks. >< And there's only 20 days until my birthday! Yes!

The only thing that would make my life perfect is if my effing Legend of Dragoon game would start working properly. I am beginning to despise fighting Lenus and Regole over and over again because my game doesn't want to load the aftermath after I gain my buttload of experience points. >> I hate black screens now. I think I may have to get my PS2 cleaned... that may be the problem.

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