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myOtaku.com: Zero000

Monday, November 7, 2005

Zero: I feel so unloved.

Haven: And why should anyone care.

Zero: Because I finally posted my artwork and only one, i repeat one person has said anything.


Zero: I have five pictures up. The only person who actually said someting was little rin and I thank you very, very much for commenting on my first picture.

Haven:Well what did you think that all the sudden people would just start voting on your artwork.

Zero:Actually yeah, I did.

Haven: well they don't.

Zero: But it makes me so sad, since all my friends say that my pictures are good but no one here cares at all.

Haven: Just shut up about it then.

Zero: ::goes to cry all alone in the dark coner:: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Haven: Thank you for visting Zero000's site *cough*Imsurenooneisreadingthisandneverwill*cough*

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