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Friday, December 24, 2004
Run in with Dark Elf - The Final Confrontation
As soon as he entered the room, he found Dark Elf's seal, X's boby which protected the seal, and a crazed Elpizo with a partially awakened Dark Elf.
"Heh heh, I've been waiting for you Zero. Nothing is worse than having a show that no one comes to see. Once I destroy the original X, I will be invincible!"
"I won't let that happen!"
Just as he went for Elpizo, a barrier went around him and he was trapped.
"What the..."
"Thank you for coming to my show. But, I'm afraid that...this is the real 'retirement' of your friend. Time to die, X....And release the Dark Elf!"
He charged at X with his sword and stabbed X right through the chest, destroying his body. Then the Dark Elf Elpizo had gained full power.
"Ha hah hah! I did it! I did it at last!! I terminated the legendary hero! I destroyed X at last!"
All of a sudden, Dark Elf grew out some type of wings, and she and the Baby Elves went into Elpizo.
After a few seconds, Elpizo was transformed by their power.
"........Sorry to have kept you waiting, Zero. I'm going to terminate you, destroy all Neo Arcadia, and exterminate all the human beings. What do you say? A world without humans...The world only for Reploids...Don't you think it will be paradise!? "
With that, Elpizo began charging recklessly at Zero. The power had gotten to him, and Zero figured Elpizo couldn't hit him in such a manner. Much to Zero's surprise though, Elpizo got a good slash on him, causing a decent amount of damage to Zero. Realizing he needed to act quickly, he began jumping over Elpizo everytime he knew he was going to lunge with his sword. Upon occasion Elpizo would get his sword stuck in the wall. This was the perfect opportunity to attack for Zero. After many attacks like that, Elpizo was finished.
"This can't be....I am supposed to have become invincible....I'm supposed to have obtained the power that had nearly brought the world to destruction... It was not enough, Dark Elf!! Give me more strength!!"
Suddenly a dark energy surrounded Elpizo, and he transformed into a large creature. It screamed, and then began to attack Zero with dark energy balls, and lightning chains. After a long and hard battle, Zero was damaged quite a bit, but he had finally beaten the dark creature. He used an energy tank and restored most of his energy. Then, Dark Elf left Elpizo's body and floated above him with her children.
"Thank you Zero....Thank you for stopping me....You saved me...I almost did something...That can't be forgiven...Thank you so much...I was so weak-minded...I was so pathetic...Accepting your failures in life is a very difficult thing...I think that I've become a little stronger from this lesson....Time to say goodbye, Zero. Tell Ciel, I'm sorry..."
All of a sudden, something happened to Dark Elf, and instead of being dark, she turned into a bright ball of light. This scared away her children. Then she dropped light energy on Elpizo, and this turned his body into a spirit.
"I feel warm....Ahh....It appears that she...saved me. She is not evil....Thank you. Zero. And goodbye.."
Elpizo's spirit then floated away, and Dark Elf approached Zero.
She then turned dark once again, and she grew out her wings and flew away. After, X's spirit went to Zero.
"She wasn't always called the "Dark Elf"...When she was born, she had a mission to save the world, and had another name. However, when her ability became a threat of world destruction, they began to call her the "Dark Elf"...Since someone called Dr. Weil placed a curse on her..."
"I....I feel that I know her...Dark...Elf..."
The two of them stayed in the room for awhile, watching as Dark Elf eventually flew out of sight...
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Guess what? To anyone who's actually been reading the story thing on my site, tomorrow is the last part of it. It will probably be really long....It should be interesting. I hope the people who've been following along like it ^^ Unfortunatly, after the story, posts I make for awhile will proabbly be just odd and eccentric, so enjoy! =D
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The Encountering of.....dead Neo Arcadians?!
"This is Neo Arcadia's final area...Good luck Zero.."
Zero then was transferred to the fianl area, unsure of what may await him in the depths. This buildign was a really large tower, so Zero figured he should be going upwards. After awhile, he got to a chamber with three teleporters in it. He went into each one, and in each, he refought some of the Neo Arcadians he has already defeated. At first he was very shocked, but then he regained his senses and took control of the situation. He bet the three and moved on. After awhile of going upwards, he found another chamber with three teleporters, and each led him to a different Neo Arcadian that had already been defeated. When he finally bet these three, he found the final chamber. Knowing this was where X's body sealed the Dark Elf, Zero cautiously walked inside, not exactly knowing what to expect...
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Temple of Wind - Harpuia
"Now you're about to enter the third arwa of Neo Arcadia. It's the temple of wind... This is the last area before the Neo Arcadia capital. Please be careful..."
Zero then transferred away. When he got there, it was surprisingly quiet...He walked ahead a bit and got surrounded by about fifty or so enemies. He sighed and jumped up high out of their vision. Then he landed behind a bunch and cleared away half of them with one slash. Then he charged his blaster to full power and let out a large blast, wiping out the other half. Looking disappointed, he ventured on. After awhile, he got to the main area that had all the dangers. He ran into moving platforms, electric laser fields, and many more enemies. Knowing he had to get through fast and stop Elpizo, he easily navigated through all the traps and reached the final area. Once he entered, he found Elpizo and Harpuia. Harpuia looked pretty damaged. Zero saw Harpuia like this before seeing Elpizo.
Then Elpizo stepped forward.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! You're made it here at last, Zero. Look....This is...Dark Elf..A perfect Cyber-elf, which will bring peace to this world. Heh...it will not be long before I can rid the world of all those humans who waste our valuable energy, and destroy Neo Arcadia which protects them. All I have to do is... Destroy X, who has been interfering with the true revival of Dark Elf."
All of a sudden, Harpuia spoke up.
"I won't...Let that happen..."
"You! You can still say such a thing...! Be a good boy and die! Wha hahaha! You must know your own worth. Do you regret that you haven't shown any respect for me? Now that I am so much more than you! I've aquired a power that no one can match! I am invincible! It's getting late...Time to wake the Dark Elf."
He then let the Baby Elves go to Harpuia, and they entered his body as Elpizo went away to find X's body.
"Ugh...Z..Zero....Kill me..."
"Just kill me! I will soon be controlled... Kill me now...And stop him!! EYAHH!!!"
Harpuia then powered up and turned into an eagle-like plane. He started flying around, shooting missles at Zero. It seemed he wasn't controlling himself, because it seemed to reckless for the real Harpuia. Zero constantly had to do jumping slashes just to hit Harpuia, bu after quite some time, he defeated him. The Baby Elfs then left Harpuia's body, and Harpuia fell to his knees.
"H...hurry Zero...Protect Master X...and the world, from him..."
"I understand....Leave it to me."
Harpuia teleported away, and Zero transferred back to base, getting ready for the final battle.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Temple of Ice - Leviathan
"You're about to enter Neo Arcadia's second area, the temple of ice. Good luck Zero....Please don't overstrain yourself..."
Zero arrived, and again some enemies were there to meet him.He quickly got rid of them.Almost the entire place was submerged in water. After awhile, he got to a long tunnel, and it began filling with water. He remained on a platform of ice until he got to the top. Then he hopped down the other tunnel, back into water. After navigating through many pits of spikes, he got to the final room of the ice temple. After he entered the room, he encountered Leviathan.
"I was waiting for you, Zero....I guess Fefnir's disease infected me. I couldn't care less about Elpizo and obsession with the Dark Elf...Even if the world dies, I will be happy as long as I can defeat you. Now, let's battle! Power UP!"
Like Fefnir before, she lit up with light, and after the light disappeared, she was in her powered up form. She look like a shark submarine of some sort. Zero knew it wasn't going to be an easy battle. He got trapped a couple of times in her ice blasts and received some damage, but something made him stronger inside, and he started inflicting heavy damage to her. With one final strike, he defeated Leviathan, and she went back to her normal form.
"I'm getting worse than ever.....The only thing I can take seriously is...Fighting with you. But....I'm happy. I'll keep going...Dreaming that I can destroy you someday...See you...soon..."
With this being said, she teleported away. Zero did the same and transferred back to base, as he would have to prepare for Neo Arcadia's next area.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Temple of Flame - Fefnir
"You're about to enter Neo Arcadia's fire area, it's the temple of flame. Good luck."
By the time he arrived, amny enemy forces were already gathering to where Zero transferred. After getting rid of them all, he ventured into the temple and navigated through many of its traps. There was lava almost everywhere he went, and if he accidently hit one of the homing bombs, he would fall into the lava, taking extensive damage. Finding a way to clear through everything though, Zero eventually managed to reach the end of the flame temple. Then, he found a long tunel going down. He jumped down, and met up with Fefnir.
"Hey, Zero! You came along to get Elpizo? I know you did! He's crazy about the Dark Elf. Leave that guy to Harpuia, and have fun with me instead! Get ready for a fight! Power UP!"
All of a sudden, Fefnir was surrounded in light. After the light disappeared, Fefnir appeared to be in a tank of some sort customized for him. It hd four main flame throwers, plus anything Fefnir himself might shoot out. Acting quickly, he removed the tanks flamethrowers. Next he had to target Fefnir himself, but he was well covered. Finding a weakness in the tank's armor, Zero used it and defeated Fefnir.
"What's the problem! Even though I had powered up, I'm no match for you! I...I won't give up... Someday...I will destroy you for sure! Just you wait!!"
After saying this, he teleported away. Then Ciel messaged Zero.
"Zero, come back to base for a bit....You can return there again later, since I put up a coordinate axis..."
Zero did as he was asked, and transferred back to base.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
The entrance to Neo Arcadia - Rainbow Devil MK2
Zero transferred to the gates of Neo Arcadia. Knowing his journey was not going to be easy, he made sure to always be on his guard. There were already enemies heading his way. Unfortunatly, they must have known he was coming or something.
"Heh...fine. Let's go!"
With that being said, he began destroying everything in his path. As he continued on, he encountered many foes. After entering the final area, he realized he was getting closer and closer to it's core with each step he took. Suddenly a big slime monster appeared, and began whipping pieces of itself at Zero. Then it went back together. With a couple of slashes to it's main body, the foe took no damage, as it reformed instantly.
"What the..."
Then he caught a glimpse of a metalic thing in where its head was. He started to attack that instead of the body, and by doing so, he defeated the foe with ease. Ciel set a coordinate axis, so Zero tranferred back to base temporarily before going deeper into Neo Arcadia.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Shuttle Factory - Fighting Fefnir
"This is the last area where Elpizo was spotted. You destroyed most of it before, but I guess they reconstructed it. Why would Elpizo come here? Zero, please stop him."
After arriving, Ciel messaged him again.
"..Zero, stay alert.."
With this being said, Zero walked forward a bit, and jumped into a hole that was in the floor. Zero encountered many enemies, and it seemed like they kept coming. After making a path through the entire factory, Zero made it to the end. After entering, he found Fefnir.
"Oh, finally Zero's here. I'm so glad to see you again! I was chasing some guy named Elpizo. You know him, right? I am lucky to meet you here! Now, let's start. Let's fight now! Here I go!!"
After putting his arms in the air, Fefnir looked at Zero quickly and began to attack him. Taken by surprise, Zero was hit with one of Fefnir's attacks, which shot fire from holes in the ground. Quickly regaiing his footing, Zero fought back, knowing what to expect now.
"Heh, it's over!"
With this being said, Zero sliced at Fefnir's right arm, bringing him down.
"Huh huh huh....Whew. That was really fun! Thank you, Zero. I enjoy a challenging fight like this one. Hee hee. Next time, let's go for even more! See ya!"
After saying this, Fefnir teleported away, leaving Zero in the room.
"Mission accomplished...transfer me back.."
Zero then got teleported to the base. Ciel approached Zero with new information.
"It seems Elpizo stole a transport from the factory. His motives are clear now. He intends to sneak into Neo Arcadia alone!"
Suddenly, Elpizo's voice came on the intercom, and they switched it to the video screen.
"Heh heh heh. You couldn't stop me, Mr Zero. Guess where I am, hah hah. Surprise, I'm in the deepest core of Neo Arcadia! I'm in the room where Dark Elf is sealed. First I'll awaken Dark Elf.... Then I'll destroy the original X. Then I can obtain Dark Elf's true power! I'm going to gain ultimate power!! Ah, it's you X... I'm not afraid of you. You can't move while your body seals the Dark Elf....what? What are you doing? No...Stop! Don't bother me, X! Wait, don't go Baby Elf! I won't give in...."
Suddenly the message stopped. Then the base shook, and X's spirit came.
"Sorry Zero...I tried to startle him with my voice, but it didn't really work...You have to stop him before he releases Dark Elf!"
"Got it. Ciel, transfer me there, now!"
"We can't get you there directly, but we can send you nearby. Good luck, Zero!"
Zero was then transferred near the entrance of Neo Arcadia.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Crystal Cave - Sage Harpuia
"This is where the bomb aircraft crashed before...Elpizo seems to have been there to look for something, but I don't know what it is... Since the area is very close to our base, I asked some soldiers to look for Elpizo. I don't know if they can manage themselves...So please help them."
Zero got to the area, but there were no soldiers. Then Ciel contacted him.
"This was the meeting spot...It's strange. No one has arrived... Zero, I've got a very bad feeling..."
Zero began traversing the cave. After awhile, he reached the crashed ship, and he found all his comrades, but they were being controlled!
"Darn...I better not hurt them severely."
As he encountered a few, he shot them with a weak blast, enough to immobilize them for a bit. Once they were imobilized, he went by them. After reaching a clear field, he found Elpizo.
"This is it....Now I'm one step closer to Dark Elf..."
With this being said, he teleported away. Suddenly, Harpuia appeared.
"That commander of yours seems to have retrieved the IFF beacon..Why is he acting alone, breaking into Neo Arcadian facilities...? I don't understand the logic at all. Well, I don't need to know... All those Inferior resistance behaviours are not all that different. Well Zero, it's time for you to die!"
With some fancy energy handling, Harpuia began attacking Zero with wave after wave of sonic waves. Then he took to the air, expecting that Zero couldn't get him. All of a sudden, Zero jumped up and slashed him with his saber equipped with the ice chip. This brought Harpuia to the ground and on his knee.
"Ha ha ha...You're still so strong. I like it... No, I love it this way. You are the only one who can make me feel this alive....I enjoy the sensation, I love the pain. You are worthy...."
With this being said, Harpuia teleported away, as did Zero back to the resistance base. Ciel went up to Zero and looked a bit puzzled.
"The IFF beacon...It's used for Neo Arcadia radar to identify friend or foe. I know you need one to sneak into an enemy base without them noticing you... But I don't understand why he is trying to do that....Your next mission.."
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Monday, December 13, 2004
The Gang
Here's a cool pic of the main characters that have either been mentioned, or will be.

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