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myOtaku.com: Zero Tolerance

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Crazy Thoughts
-Do Jewish vampires avoid crosses or Stars of David?
-Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities it's schizophrenia, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute?
-Can you put a gay man in a straight jacket?
-If Hooters were to become a door-to-door service would they have to change their name to Knockers?
-Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?
-Can you get cornered in a round room?
-Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but its ok to use a handicapped toilet?
-If heat rises, then shouldn't hell be cold?
-Why is it when we talk to God we are praying, but when God talks to us we are put into the loony bin?
-Why is it when some products you have to turn it upside down to read the directions, and the directions say do not turn upside down?
-If a missing person sees their picture on a milk carton that offers a reward, would they get the money?
-Is Jerry Garcia grateful to be dead?
-If I had my legs amputated, would I have to change my height and weight on my driver's license?
-If you were under house arrest and you lived in a mobile home, wouldn’t you be able to go anywhere you want?
-What would happen if you were to feed a pig some bacon?
-If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
-Why do they call the small candy bars the "fun sizes"? Wouldn't be more fun to eat a big one?
-Why do we teach kids that violence is not the answer and then have them read about wars in school that solved America's problems?
-How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
-Just what was the "Baby On Board" sign for? Did it help us decide which car not to
hit in case of an accident?
-Does Hawaiian Punch come from Hawaii?
-If your name is Mr. Crunch, and you joined the Navy, would you eventually be Captain Crunch?
-364 days of the year, parents tell their kids not to take candy from
strangers, yet on Halloween, its encouraged! Why is that?
-Why is it when we laugh in school the teachers say do you find something funny? When obviously we do?
-Why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your
thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going too ?
-If the handicapped bathrooms are for people who cant walk why do they put them at the end of the bathrooms ?
-Can a metal plate in your head get rusted?
-Do stuttering people stutter when they're thinking to themselves?

More to come! On another day.

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