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anywhere my dear Zero E. is.
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real one? Tenten...really. I'm part Chinese...
achievements? I can finish RPGs within a week or so.
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sailor moon, pokemon, digimon...yeah sue me for watching those shows!
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Candidate for Goddess, Inuyasha, FMA, and more
hobbies...hobbies...hobbies...what are these?
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Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm not on as much..and I completely apologize. Too much in life, and it sucks!
Well, from what Neko has told me, The Alternates is being put off so she can work on her new story ^_^ Which remains nameless right now.
So...I don't know...Nothing more to say I guess ^_^
See you all around!
Zero |
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Well, it's been awhile, huh? Sorry for not updating for awhile. I've been busy (i.e. Moving in with my jerk of a father, and such) But, I just thought that I would update, so that you all didn't think that I was dead or something. See you all around!!
Zero |
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
You're probably wondering something: Why did you title this post Life? What is the point?
Well to tell you, I have no idea. Life is just something that facinates me, and many others. It's just...there. Why?
I also wonder: How do we exist if there's nothing to prove we do? How do we prove our existence?
Those are many of the questions that scientists ponder about, and so do I.
As for the other things, I could really careless.
Quote of the Day
Jakotsu- Why don't you just finish me off, Inuyasha? You should know by now that I'm stubborn. I'll just come after you again.
Inuyasha- Then I'll just kill you the next time we meet. | |
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Just so happy for Miss Kagome Neneko^^
As some of you may know, Miss Neneko (NekoVLuna)is happy, so that makes me happy too!! If you don't know who Neko is, check out her site and find out yourself. *<--not meant to sound rude, kay?* But anyways...
3rd week of school is over and I'm happy about that...And a three day weekend is coming up!! *YAY!!!*
Well, I should just leave you with that^^ Bye!!!
I just saw this AWESOME anime called Yumeria (my new BG is of Neneko from Yumeria^^)If you don't know what Yumeria's about, it's an anime that was taken from a game called Yumeria (real original, huh?. Well, the whole story is about this guy named Tomokazu Mikuri who has this weird dream and meets this strange blue-haired, gold-like eyed girl and he helps her defeat this ship thing. So he wakes up the next morning and there's the chick from his dream. The only thing about her is that she only says "Mone", kinda like how Chi in chobits could only say "Chi" for awhile, only Mone continuously says 'mone' and only 'mone'. If you need to, go to the following websites to find out more:
(2nd one only if you can read kanji^^)
But I recommend this anime to those who like to watch a loser get surrounded by cute, ass-kicking chicks^^ |
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Collaborating manga: By Moonlight-The Alternates
Me and a friend of mine, NekoVL, are making a manga that's the opposite of her manga, By Moonlight.
The typical idea to The Alternates is that it's BM only with and alternate reality (cuz, I mean, There's an alternate to everything that we do, right?) The same characters are in it, except one: Yiroku Taniko. Her alternate's name is different, Ren Taro.
The characters personalities change also.
Ren is Yiro's alternate, and she's a bit more persistent than Yiro is and she also acts on her own accord and for herself rather than Yiro, who reminds you of Lucy from Elfen Lied: helpless.
Zero is Zero Yatsura's alternate and stays a bit like him, only he's a bit outgoing, unlike Zero in the real world, who's distant.
Kero is Miroku's alternate and he's kinda dark...that's the whole thing behind him.
Mireille is Jagura's alternate and she's more like Yiro: she's a bit helpless...and kinda clumsy.
So, just so you can see what Ren and Zero look like, see below. And in the one that has more color, Ren does look like a guy, but she's really a girl.
 | |
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Greatest movie EVER!!!!
I went and saw a great movie today...ready? It starred Sean William Scott, Johnny Knoxville and Jessica Simpson. Give up? The Dukes Of Hazzard. It was such a great movie, so if you like action/comedy/cars go and see it, but first see the original series before, or else you'll be kinda lost. | |
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