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• 1988-08-17
• El Sobrante
Member Since
• 2005-09-13
• Student
Real Name
• Jonathan 'Zero' Closson
• I surf and thats it. Although, i have ridden down the face of a 10 footer. fun stuff. gotta do it again
Anime Fan Since
• After Middle school
Favorite Anime
• Saber Marionette J, Initial D, Samurai X. Final Fantasy 7,8,9,X and X-2 and Advent Children; Kingdom hearts and KH2. Gundam Wing; Naruto; .Hack//Legend of the Twilight; IGPX; Yotsuba!; Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu; Full Metal Alchemist, anime angels and Luna
• Graduate College and get my bachelors degree for something that falls into my interests
• Video games, reading, writing poetry, creating fan fiction, and archery
• Surfing, boogie boarding and just makeing the best of things. i guess
Saturday, November 5, 2005
3rd poem
ok peeps. time for poem number 3. hope you enjoy. this one was made for this one experience i had in cross country. but if you think deep about it, it can be used many different ways, so here it is:
PR by Jonathan Closson
Take your positions,
Ready, Set, Go!;
Gun Fired,
a wave of motion,
the race had begun,
feet pounding,
heavy breathing,
The only thought in mind is the race,
All that matters is the dirt beneath my feet,
Arms swinging,
Chest pounding,
The only thought in mind is the race,
All that matters is the dirt beneath my feet,
Sweat dripping,
Sides paining,
The only thought in mind is the race,
All that matters is the dirt beneath my feet,
Can't go on,
in too much pain,
The only thought in mind is the race,
All that matters is the dirt beneath my feet,
The finish is in sight,
its almost over,
The only thought in mind is the race,
All that matters is the dirt beneath my feet,
footing lost,
Falling down,
I almost made it,
So close,
Why couldn't I hold out a little longer,
I hit the ground,
I drop like a rag doll,
I forgot how long I lay there,
The only thing I remember is the tears in my eyes.
well, this was a early cross country meet round junior high. and it happened just as its wrote. enjoy, deep think about this one or not just enjoy if you wish. thanks for visiting my web and have a good evening and good day
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