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Thursday, September 29, 2005
It Has Been A Long Week
Man, school has kept me real busy the past few days. I have 3 tests next week so I have to go over a lot of material if I want to pass. Oh well, the peace march we had here on the past saturday was a success. We had apporximately 200 people (which is a very large number considering the area and the community). The only bad part about it was that it was very hot (103*F). What ended up happening is that as people where arriving, there was also people leaving. At the end the event, we marched to the street next to the college and held up our signs. It really was a great experience. Man, war really sucks. Something I just found out on Monday is that some American soldiers are trading pictures of dead Iraquis for porn in a website. I got to see some of the pictures they had there, and they are horrible. I really don't know where to begin to describe them. I am not putting a link on the post because of the nature, but if you would like to know more about it you can ask. I really don't know who to blame for this images. The soldiers who are constatly going through hell over there and slowly lossing their humanity, or the idiotic government who began this conflict. I really don't know what else to say about this other than I wish it would stop.
Too much sad stuff, let's change the subject.
I just beat Ninja Gaiden Black last night, it was freaken hard even though the difficulty was on normal. Now i'm going to work on the hard difficulty in hopes to become a Master Ninja. Also, this weekend I am hoping to have the HALO 2 LAN i couldn't have two weeks ago, and also watch more of Samurai Deeper Kyo. So far I really like it and I am on episode six. Oh well, talk to everyone later, take care.
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It Has Been A Long Week
Man, school has kept me real busy the past few days. I have 3 tests next week so I have to go over a lot of material if I want to pass. Oh well, the peace march we had here on the past saturday was a success. We had apporximately 200 people (which is a very large number considering the area and the community). The only bad part about it was that it was very hot (103*F). What ended up happening is that as people where arriving, there was also people leaving. At the end the event, we marched to the street next to the college and held up our signs. It really was a great experience. Man, war really sucks. Something I just found out on Monday is that some American soldiers are trading pictures of dead Iraquis for porn in a website. I got to see some of the pictures they had there, and they are horrible. I really don't know where to begin to describe them. I am not putting a link on the post because of the nature, but if you would like to know more about it you can ask. I really don't know who to blame for this images. The soldiers who are constatly going through hell over there and slowly lossing their humanity, or the idiotic government who began this conflict. I really don't know what else to say about this other than I wish it would stop.
Too much sad stuff, let's change the subject.
I just beat Ninja Gaiden Black last night, it was freaken hard even though the difficulty was on normal. Now i'm going to work on the hard difficulty in hopes to become a Master Ninja. Also, this weekend I am hoping to have the HALO 2 LAN i couldn't have two weeks ago, and also watch more of Samurai Deeper Kyo. So far I really like it and I am on episode six. Oh well, talk to everyone later, take care.
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Big Day Today
Today I am helping out here at my school for an antiwar protest. It's going to be a busy day, but it will be worth it. Tell you more tommorow.

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Friday, September 23, 2005
I Don't Get It?
Why is it always when I finally think I can relax and play videogames I can't? I had a blast with Ninja Gaiden Black last night (only had 3 hours of sleep), and today I was planning on doing the same, but now I have a lot of work to do for my Psychology class. I really don't see why it is required in my degree plan, it just covers the most basic material about psychology. I honestly don't think I am going to be able to analyze anyone after this semester. Oh well, I guess a litte gaming won't hurt.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005

We all know that there is nothing cooler than Ninjas (not even Pirates). Ninja Gaiden Black came out today, and I already got my copy, in fact, I have already began the punishment. As you may know, Ninja Gaiden is one of the hardest games ever (yeah take that Dante), and with the new difficulties it is even harder. Oh well, I am going back for another spanking (talking about spankings, imagine if Team Ninja had placed Kasumi to give them, not all of those evil ninjas)

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