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Jet engine mechanic
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Joined the Air Force
Anime Fan Since
Since I watched Nemo in Slumberland, I think
Favorite Anime
Rosario + Vampire
To have someone at Marvel Comics look at my work.
Drawing, reading, writing
Drawing, kinda...I can't shade, and that makes me sad.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
WOW! That was so much fun! The San Juan Islands R0XX0R$!!!! I have decided that I want to Island hop between the islands for my graduation present in a couple years. ^.^
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Did I forget to mention that I'll be gone for two weeks?
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Okay, I just did the STUPIDEST THING. I was checking the 'Delete Post' button to delete a post, but accidentaly deleted the posts saying that I aced my Biology final and that I'm going camping in severel hours. Heh...I'm computer retarded, I can't help it...
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Quizzy quizzy!!
My #1 result for the selector, Which Goddess of Death are You?, is Coatlicue - This Aztec Goddess of Life and Death likes serpents and wears them along with hearts, hands, skulls and flayes human skin. Though you are usually peaceloving, you are one twisted person!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Guild Wars
Just thought I'de mention that I play Guild Wars a lot, so if you're Post-Searing/gone through the Acadamy, sign my guestbook with your name and drop me a line. My name's Kristiana Storm.
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My Dream-English II Imaginative essay
I seriously love this piece:
I am already a dreamer, a person with high hopes and aspirations. But I am flawed. A cracked vase, if you will. No matter how much water-hope, dreams-you fill me with, some will always leak out. And if you fix that crack, that essential flaw, I will never be the same. We all have our flaws that make us unique, and mine just happens to be worse than most.
I am a dark person, my soul is scarred and scared, and no one can mend me.
Being so different from those around me, I have actually begun to notice similarities. The only thing I truly want or need is love, but it is the one thing that I will not let myself have. For I fear being hurt and I fear being rejected. But my friends and family open themselves to the pain of the world, and are rewarded with joy. Why is this? Why must I torture myself every waking moment because I won’t let myself have the one thing everyone needs? I don’t know. It may be that my fear of emotional pain is merely a front, an excuse to live in the darkness and dream of the sky. And as much as I say I enjoy my solitude, it tears at me day and night to listen to my family just beyond my door…but just out of reach.
I won’t let myself love, because I want to fly. To be absolutely free of all bonds and bindings, to be who I am truly meant to be. I want to be released from the everyday monotony, and the only way I can do that is to fly. I will soar above the clouds on great, ashen wings. I will be beautiful and graceful, with hollow bones and the voice of a songbird. And with my flight, the ache of having to constantly control my emotions will be erased. The feeling of the wind all over and around me will be my release, and ultimate freedom will be mine.
Alone until my death, I will guard and guide my loved ones. If it were up to me, no harm would befall them, and they would live as happily as me. I am fierce as an eagle, as relentless as a raven, just as I am strong and alone. That is how it is meant to be. I am the guardian of the innocent and weak, the protector of frailty and love.
I will converse with my brothers and sisters of the wind, forsaking those without wings to reach a greater state of being. My life will be so dramatically different than it is now, for obvious reasons. But in my mind, there is not so great a difference. I will be wild and free, a legendary beauty and a mythical defender. Traveling from England to Japan and everywhere in between, I will journey everywhere.
I will live my life to the fullest, and I will die in the sky, with a smile on my face and delight in my heart. Long, arduous, and rewarding, my life will be more than satisfying. My mother is the earth, and though I will return to her in death, I will live my life with my father the sky.
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