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myOtaku.com: Zigzag

Sunday, May 22, 2005

   Sayonara Taekwondo
Tonight at Taekwondo was fun until it was time to leave. Mary and I were asked by Ms. Freeman to join her in the back office. I knew it was going to be bad... just not this bad.

They have to close the school.

Rents going up, membership is going down, and next week is the final week of classes. Biting my tounge is all I could do to keep from crying right then and there. I'm surprised I haven't broken down yet. I'm sure I will when I go to sleep tonight.

I feel so empty right now. Taekwondo really saved me just a few years ago. Back when I didn't care about life. Just waiting to die. Taekwondo started me down the path of happiness again (er... did that sound as corny as I think it did?) I made so many new friends. I felt loved and cared about again. I was finally in a group of people that liked me and didn't make fun of me all the time. I was finally happy again. Now I feel like I'm losing all my friends... again. At lest this time they aren't leaving because they decided to be mean to me. We're just not going to see each other in class anymore. At lest we're still going to be friends still, unlike the last time I lost all my friends. But still, knowing I'm not going to see them anymore is really hurting right now.

Not to mention... now I won't get to test for my second dan. (Kinda like a second black belt... sort of) I've been working really hard. Also now that work is done at last and I don't have to work nights anymore I can finally go to all the classes again. That dosen't matter anymore... seeing how they're closing next week. Another downer... me and Jenny, a good friend of mine up there, were just getting starting on our Nun-chuck practice.

Now if you'd excuse me... I'm going to go sit in the corner. Hug my knees. Put my thumb in my mouth. And have a self pity party for one.

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