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Clown Executioner
Real Name
Miss Rozar
None that I'm proud of.
Anime Fan Since
Since my waffle told me to take over the Earth.
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FMA beyotch!
Meet Jhonen, kill him, preserve his body in a gigantic jar and keep him underneath my bed. The usual...
Cello, drawing, singing, listening to music, and poking dead bodies with sticks...
Umm... I can draw pretty good I think....
| zim eats waffles
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, February 9, 2008
Okay, so my more recent site (SanityIsOverrated) won't allow me to sign in anymore. Which sucks some major balls because I was actually planning on bringing it back to life. Damnit... anyhow, I think that this "zombie" of a site is in some major need of life. I think that I will bring this site back for a while, see how it does and maybe stick with it. My apologies.
Random question:
Are all Total Visits "Temporarily Locked For Renovations" or is it just mine? I haven't been here for a while so I'm... well, confused.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
They're so fake...
Recently I've been noticing a huge increase in people becoming (or so thinking they are), Goth or Emo. Yes, believe it or not that is yet another thing I hate from people. Why is it that people try so desperatly to fit in with a crowd when they themselves know it's not really them? They know they're trying to be something they are not and quite honestly, it's a bit insulting.
Haven't you ever had that one friend who tries really hard to fit in with you and your friends (I do!)? Get real everyone, at one point it will get on your fucking nerves. I just think it's so pathetic that people are willing to totally change themselves to be with/like someone, or a group of people. It's idiotic... it's pathetic.
Be yourselves people! Damn, don't delude yourself into thinking that you're this or that and don't fucking fake being anything for anyone or anything.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys...
Yesterday me and my friends Erin, Zach, Gabe, Maddison, and Brett all went bowling. Haha, lame I know, but it actually one of the funnest days I've had in a while. We spent about 2-3 hours bowling and then the real fun began. We walked over to McDonalds and pretty much created a Hell there. None of the employees smiled, which annoyed me, so giving them a hard time was pretty fun. Yelling, running around, shooting spit wads, and just overall being obnoxious, annoying people made that particular meal one of the best I've ever had. After about 45 minutes or so we got kicked out. The manager, I would guess, pretty much followed us out and told us to quote, "Get off the property!". It was fun.
LUCKILY, the night didn't end. We walked down to Shopko and had a hell of a fun ass time. Zach, you almost made me piss my pants from laughing so much. And pillow fighting in thw isles with everyone was killer fun. We didn't even got through half the store before being kicked out. Erin, Brett, and I were escorted out. That guy was an ass. Very, very mean person... eventually we just walked over to Hyvee and just hung out in the parking lots. It was still fun, though I don't think any of us will be allowed in that McDonalds anymore.
At the moment, I'm stuck at home with a cold. My mom keeps telling me to sleep and crap but at the moment, that's pretty much impossible. I hate the feeling of not being able to breath, but I hate even more the sound of my own breathing. It's insane.
I miss my tie. I want it back Zach. x___X
I know you can see this too...
I shall go visit as many people's sites as I can before I pass out. Goodbye.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Still lookin' for music...
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
A gasp from Hell!
So how are you all doing? I take it that most everyone is already on summer break and all that good stuff, right? Well yay for all of you people and a big slap on the face for those of you who still suffer.
It's raining... yay. It's thundering too but it's still pretty nice. The weather here has been giving off a pretty dank mood for a few days now.
Gwen Stafani(sp?) will be coming to a city near here in a few days I think. I NEED TO SEE HER. I'm on a mission from God to meet her and to fricken beat the living shit out of her. Damn that bitch. She can't fucking sing and yet people love her and pay money to have her damn Cds and shit. Damn her.
I've noticed that I've become somewhat of a "MySpace Whore". Well that's what I call it. I spend mindless hours on that fucking website! >.<
It's such a wierd site but extremely addictive.
Everyone must go to youtube or google (or wherever) and search "The Cloak". It's the third one down... the animated one. It's a pretty funny ass video. ^______^
Umm... I think this is a pretty good excuse for an update. I won't have time to check in on everyone today (due to my internet being a piece of crap), but I promise that I'll be on here more often. Buh bye.
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Well hellp everyone. It's been a while since I've last posted. I know you all missed me. I could hear you all crying.
The current highlight of this week was when I went over to my friend, Erin's, house and lit all of our papers and notebooks on fire in her backyard pit. It was pretty fun. I only wish we had some more papers though. It was maybe a hundred papers total and a bunch of cardboard. Well in the end we went inside spend a butt-load of time on the computer and drank tea. Heh, yes. Tea. It was good.
I made a new myspace. Amazing.
Fuck, school will be out in a few more days. I was looking forward to the summer but then I thought and realized that I'd have to spend it all in this hell hole and that I wouldn't get to see my friends. I'm sad about it but I intend on spending as much time away from here as possible.
I'm currently eating some soup my mom made. It consist of veggies, many spices, and the tail of cows. Haha, I can hear you all going, "Ewwww!" but it's actually very good. I'm also drinking Mountain Dew. *sighs* It be good.
Go El Salvador!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
Make Them hear You...
I can hear you all gasping at the sight of this new post. I know what you are all thinking, "Damnit! Bitch is back!"
Well oddly enough, I've been having an "optimistic" attitude lately, which is really weird. The creepier thing is that people have noticed... even a few of my own friends have asked me if I'm alright. Sad, no?
I'm so fucking bored right now. I was watching some music videos (including the Malice Mizer one you put up Kyu!). But me and a friend have come to the conclusion that any music that's on the radio isn't worth listening to. I mean really. Usually it's just a bunch of crappy-ass rap music and when it's not, it some rock song that was alright the first time around but is being played over and over again. Not only that but every single bastard in whatever school you go to fucking sings it too. Oh God, I fucking hate that so much. Those damn kids think they're so cool when they sing songs from the radio. Uuugh... it's so fucking pathetic.
I had a choir concert last Wednesday... I think. Anyhow, it was our last concert of the year. Our teacher started crying, which actually made me feel somewhat sad because she's one on the "nicer" teachers. Most kids do like her because she actually treats us like kids and respects us. Today I realized exactly how much of an ass my Pre-Algebra teacher is. A student asked him for help, and I'll admit that she's not exactly the picture perfect student, but my teacher started bagging on her about how she never turns in her assignments and how irresponsible she is, then he expects her to admit it and to also respect him. Jackass. Thank God he's retiring this year... -_-
Well once again I'm being asked to get off the computer and once again, I say I will in a minute and end up leaving hours later. Vladimir (yes, I found it out) is telling me that it's late and that I need to get off. Fuck that dude. It's only about 11pm. I've been on WAY later before... he shouldn't complain.
Alright, well I've been thinking about this lately. I know that everyone here knows that in the end, we all die. Well I've been thinking about exactly where we go afterwards. Heaven? Hell? Do we even go anywhere at all? The thought of there being a "life after death" seems to make people somewhat happy and the thing is that we don't even know if there is such a thing. Well, many of you must have your own opinions from churches and stuff. I don't mean to say that they're lies, not at all, but we all have to understand that it's something we'll never know.
Yes there's more to that topic. This morning I was watching tv and happen to flip to a channel where these two people were selling "Miracle Water" or something like that. It's suppose to make you happier, richer, closer to God, and give you a cozy little place in "Heaven". The guy who was advertising it was going way over the top. I mean, he was pratically saying that we'd be "wandering souls" if we didn't buy the water. Then, my favorite part, they showed little interviews of people who supposedly bought the product and have, since then, lived good lives. DAAAAMN! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! Lies! Fucking lies! Damn you fucking liars and damn the idiots who believe them. It's fucking water, it won't make your damn life better.
Ah, well enough of that. I'm saddned because my pen-pal seemed to fotget that I existed. Ha, "pel-pal". That sounds awesome. I'm actually looking for a new one. I refuse to say that on anyother website because I actually have a bit more "trust" here. Maybe I can buy anthrax from terrorist and send it to him...
Damn... it's so hot over here. It was in the 80s I think. I already showered but I think I'll take another one before I go to bed. Luckily we have an air conditioner upstairs... we won't roast.
I've noticed that a lot of people are trying to get into what's "in" right now. From what I can see, being "goth" or "emo" is what's cool. It's somewhat insulting watching people trying to act like something they're not (fucking poseurs) but in a way, it's extreamly entertaining. They try ever so desperately to fit in with people and don't be themselves. It's sad.
Well I think that I'll go now. I wonder if anyone if on AIM... stay up people! >.<
Oh God that Vladimir dude is snoring so fucking loud. It's like a gorilla having an orgasm.
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Damn. The song doesn't play on my site anymore.
We had the City Wide Strings Festival today. I got to miss 7th and 8th period (yay me). It was in fact pretty fun. I got to spend about 5 hours with my fellow orchestra dorks going over and over our concert music. It was, of course, crowded and being around so many people really annoyed me. I'm not really a people person. I'm happy with who I have and sadly, I really don't feel comfortable around such a huge amount of people (I hate them). I mean really, they were doing the most idiotic things. Runnning around like headless chickens thinking how cool they are, yelling the most pointless crap, playing their instuments (badly might I add), and just overall acting so fucking immature. Damn them. I fucking hate when people act so damn stupid and think that other people think it's "cute" or "cool". And may all the people who actually fall for their crap burn (amen).
I've been feeling oddly happy this past week. Maybe it's because I've been listening to some "calming" music. *twitches*
My brother is 16 years old, yet he acts like a 6 year old. He's constantly acting up and throwing tantrums. At this very moment, he's complaining to my mom that I should get off the computer so he can use it. I haven't actually even touched the computer since the last time I posted on MyO and I've only been on for about 40 minutes so far. I sometimes wonder what is wrong with him. I mean, I know somethings wrong in his head. He hates us. He's just like his dad.
Lets see... I still haven't figured out if his name is Stanley, Vladimir, or Jorge.
He and my mom have gotten so close. It makes me so uncomfortable. I don't want them to get so close. I was so scared that they would and now it's happening right before my eyes. I can't do anything about it. Not a single thing. God, it pisses me off so fucking much because my mom doesn't even ask us how we're feeling about him or whats blooming between them. She doesn't even sleep in her bed anymore, she's usually in his bed, doing things which I do not want to even think about, and finally coming to her own room late at night. And damnit, that fucking guy knows that he's pissing me off and he still always finds a way to take my mom away from me whenever we happen to actually act like a real "mother and daughter" pair.
Damnit. She's acting just like she did with my fucking dad and she can't even see it.
Well we have less than 20 days of school left. My summer plans include getting a part-time job. HyVee pays a lot better than Fareway. Besides, the closest Fareway is the ghetto one (yes, the fun one). Lets see, other things include being outside as much as possible, missing Irene, wishing I was in Greece with her, rotting, going to the zoo (because its fucking awesome), getting a butt load of new CDs, being bored, burying the bodies (they're starting to pile up in my basement), and some other shit like that.
Only getting about 3-4 hours of sleep and waking up at the ass-crack of dawn sucks. I've been thinking that maybe I should take medicine to help me sleep, but I think I'm a bit too young to be taking that. Besides, my mom may think that I'll accidently overdose. Heh, "accidently" my ass.
Oh, and fuck the fucking fuckers. (Yea, don't ask)
Lets see... it's 11:12pm here. Damn you all for not being on! -__-
I'm just kidding. I love you all so much. <--sarcasm
I heard a song that I haven't heard for a long ass time. "Drops of Juptier" by Train. I fucking love that song. I fall to my knees and cry tears of joy knowing that LP is coming out with a new album. Those bastards kick ass.
Well as usual, my current music has changed. This week consisted of The Postal Service, Sum 41, HIM, and some Mindless Self Indulgence. Nothing too new really.
I've seen the mv for the Killer's song "Read My Mind", and I've come to the conclusion that it fucking sucks. It saddens me that I wasted about 4 minutes of my life watching that pointless, idiotic music video.
Well I shall be going now. This damn thing is too long as it is, so buh bye my sweet walruses.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
People suck...
I'm proud to say that I actually put up some new artwork. I know that one showed up, but I'm still waiting on the other 2. Yes, amazing huh? I put 3 up. It's like... weird eh?
Well, there's nothing more to say I guess. It's about 11pm over here, and as usual, no one seems to be online. You guys suck. -_-
School tomorrow. I don't want to see anyone.
People suck.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Step back...
Current thoughts:
Katlynn, you're a bitch.
I'm sorry Vicky.
You're a hypocrite Kevin.
They love eachother. It kills me.
Everyone do me a favor and die.
You're stealing her away from me.
This fish taste pretty good.
LJ is lonely.
The bruises hurt.
I'm not taking shit from him anymore.
My fucking arm hurts.
My head hurts.
I'm angry.
I don't want to see anyone tomorrow.
I want to sleep.
Gah. Edward. Kick. Ass. & Been listening to them way too much. I've put down my My Chemical Romance CDs for the moment. Damn, huh?
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