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myOtaku.com: zim eats waffles

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

   *pokes happy face* o_O
Let's see... I'm currently printing out some JTHM pictures, oh and of course some ZIM ones. Here's one: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/water_alchemist_girl/jthm2v108324fr.jpg and another: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/water_alchemist_girl/IAMZIM.jpg I'm too lazy to put up anymore, and today, photobucket is being a bitch.

Today my government teacher gave us all some sheets with questions that immigrants have to answer to become citizens. (Citizenship Test) O-o I can't believe how hard some questions are. If I'm not mistaken, there's around 100 questions in the whole test. Our teacher just printed out 89. So, out of those 89, I was only able to answer 41. I'm sure I got at least 5 or so wrong, but still.... it's hard as hell! Luckily, immigrants only have to answer 10 questions.(randomly chosen -___-) Once my mom came home I asked her if she remembered what 10 questions she had to answer. She could remember 3.(lol) At least now I know what my mom had to go through to live here. ^^ I'm acutally taking part of the test right now. Take it and tell me what you got! xD


I failed it by the way. I scored 17. I ish soooooooooooooooo smart!^______^

Meh birthday is in 4 days. It's creepy that I'm counting down the days, I usually don't do that.^^ Anyhow, I'm pretty anxious to go to the mall with my friends. Hot Topic and Barnes & Noble Bookstore are calling for me. *hears voices* O-o They won't leave me alone!!! ;_;

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