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Friday, February 16, 2007
my daddy is building me my room finally!!!!! yay.. alot of it is done...
i cant wait untill i can have quiet time to myself in there... then maybe i can set up my computer and stuff agian and i wont have to rely on school to get on-line... things are pretty much better for me and my penguin... so yeah... im trying to find some other little kid to babysit... i really need to... im also going to petsit this time!!! that should be lots of fun! im going to try to go to my moms this weekend so i probobally wont be at the library anytime... which means no computer for me this weekend... ive been feeling bad lately it's geting to the point to where im thinking that maybe it's all just in my head... when people cut do they only do it when they feel bad or do they do it to do it...? whats more of a problem... doing it for a sadness or doing it for no reason at all...but if you did it there would have to be a reason even if you didn't know it at the time... right??? idk i would ask people on gaia but they are all like rawr when anything like this comes up... it is just something that is on my mind today... errr i think of the dumbest things... anyhoo i misses my kayla so muches... she was saposed to CALL ME last night but she didn't... i slept all day after school so i dont really know for sure if she did or not but i think my people would have woken me up if it was for her...dose anyone know how to surf??? idk just a couple of days i just had this idea that i wanted to learn how to surf... im nowhere near a beach it just sounds like alot of fun... i dont know how long this thought will last though... im sorry i havn't been getting around to sites... school is weird like that but im going to try to asap.....*sighs* im so happy it's friday... happy un-birthday 2 those peoples whos birthday is not today!!!!! it's fun... do something nice for yourself.candy is always nice... eat some chocolate... i have bunches of that... people want me to be fat....
anyhoo i hope everyone had a good week and has a happy friday
toodles to you
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
the computers at school have been down for a while so im sorry i havent been on lately....
they are trying to take my penguin from me... i have a solution... but it seems that id just be running from my problems and i dont want to be that kind of person... i dont know what to do... my family is asking me to choose between him and them but i cant do that... my family has been there through everything... so has my penguin... i love them all but it's so hard to understand why they are doing this to me... ive even been thinking thoughts that i shoulodn't be thinking.... i just dont know what to do... im sorry for bothering people with this...
anyhoo ashley call me i misses you!!!!! and kayla to i misses you lots... i got the picture back that we needed in german... and penguin we will find some way... dont worry so much... it's my fault so i have to fix it....
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
ive been sort of biusy lately... ive been trying harder in school so most of my time spent after school is on homework... it sucks, how much homework i have... but yeah... cheerleading tryouts are comming up before spring break so i need to get ready for that also... i have to learn a back handspring!!! i hate those things.... anyhoo... i think im getting attached to someone... it's not that kind of attached... i have my penguin... but i am kind of starting to care for this person... something really terrible happened to him and i dont want him to do anything to hurt himself... the weird part is that i should hate him... but i dont at all... idk what to think... this person seems really nice
im really confused....
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
im sleepy and bored and hungry all at once.... im also at the library untill 9 and cant do much about my sleepyness hungry-ness or being bored.... but any hoo tomarrow is friday and im happy about that... it means no school for 2 days which is always good... then i have monday and maybe even tuesday off!!!! yay for coldness!!!!! i misses my kayla!!!!!!! and i misses my penguin also!!!! hi penguin!!!!! im going to be seeing him soon!!! so yeah today went ok i guess... oooommmm i dont know what to say.... so yeah i like cookies and pie and stuff like that..... ok
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
i dont really know what to say... i went to the eye docter today and they hurt my eyes a little... they made me not be able to see and put some strange glasses on me... people looked at me like i was a not saying that im not a freak they just didn't know that!!! then i filmed wal-mart agian it's so fun to freak people out... i cant do it anymore because it messes up my camra... or so some strange lady said...any hoo i found a ney favorite drink... it's a vanilla chai...even though i dont like vanilla it is really dosn't tast like vanilla at all....and it dosn't make me sick... alot of things do... so yeah i got sun glasses in the store so i dont look too muck like a freak... but im not wearing them right now because it makes it too dark to really see... i also got a new tooth brush it's cool because it like cleans my teeth withought much effort because it like moves yeah it's cool!
iu also got candy. it's great!!!
toodles <3
message me on my little message thingy and you will be <3'd forever if not...well..ill cry
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
 Create your own friendquiz here
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Monday, January 1, 2007
happy new year blah blah i have really nothing to say.....
im bored right now so i decided to post...
i got to peoples sites earlier today!!!
i looker if you posted the 30th or the 31st so yeah...
anyhoo i hope everyone is having fun and staying safe...
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Friday, December 29, 2006
it's raining here!!!! i love it when it rains!
i love it when it storms. it is sapposed to storm tonight. it's the perfect night for a scarry movie! heck yes!!! or a scarry book. maybe ill get one from the library... that's where i am right now so it all works out. i ordered a new sketch book from hot topic... i was excited to get it so i could draw in it, but when i got it it was too pretty and i dont want to mess it up.. so not i need to find a not so pretty one that i can draw in and not worry about messing up T.T
i got a really kool digital camra for christmas...
i like it alot! it was my favorite gift... i also got a big fairy and a telescope so that i can see the stars... those are the ones i remember the most. im going to start a new journal on the first... and try to right in it every day. i hope it works like im planning!
it won't though ill forget into the first week and then find it months later...
i hope everyone had a good christmas...!
toodles <3
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Monday, December 18, 2006
I feel so lost
I feel so hopeless
It isn’t like last time where I was so numb
I wish it was like that again
It was easier
But this time I have a friend
Someone that makes me happy
He really doesn’t know special he is
I want to be with him all the time
When I’m not, the feeling comes back
It always comes back
But I hurt him a lot
So I have tried to stay away as much as possible
It doesn’t work anymore
I’m sorry
I really am
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
im sorry
im sorry im not good enough....
im sorry im now what you wanted me to be...
im sorry i make you cry ....
im sorry you feel as if you can't trust me ...
im sorry im unworthey of your love....
im sorry
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